03: n o o d l e s.

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There's beauty in everything.
Just not everybody sees it.




The words that I just heard made me dumbfounded. I thought about what she spat on me and the more I thought about it, the easier it became for me to believe her words.


I also realized that she was right. I wasn't born with the fairest skin or even straight hair. I was dark with a mop of curls on my head, with strands of twisting noodles hanging around my face like grape vines. I was definitely not beautiful. I was ugly. I was different. I was not like them. They were all gorgeous. And I?


I wasn't.


I was a misfit in their world of Barbie dolls and Kens. This thought, itself, was enough to terrify me. Will I be a victim because of the colour I am made up of?


"Hey," someone then spoke out, grabbing all of my attention. Right in front me was a boy with chestnut brown hair and fair skin. I gulped in air, unaware of what he might say next. My heart was beating like crazy in my chest while also bursting my ears with the high volume of my heartbeats' sound.


He flashed a welcoming smile and I noted, immediately, that not everyone is racist in the world. Most probably. At least, he wasn't, otherwise he wouldn't have smiled. She didn't smile! Moreover, he wouldn't have come to talk to me at the first place, right?

"Hey," I smiled lightly, wondering if I would, finally, make a friend. "I'm -", but he cut me off quickly.

"Oops, your papers fell." I frowned and before I could utter a single word, he made a movement with his hand. It hit mine in the roughest manner possible and the fact that I didn't expect that, at all, made me lose balance and I lossened the grip I had on the bunch of papers containing notes, timetable and other important stuff. They all crashed on the floor.

Just like my hopes.

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