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I was sitting in my college calculus class when my phone buzzed.

From Vi Bitch: Party Friday?

Today was Wednesday, April 18th. Which means that on Friday the date would officially be 4/20 the day of the biggest party of the year. The Good Vibes party. Everyone went to it. The Good Vibes party is where every drug dealer in the city would be. You could get drunk or high on anything you wanted there. This really is a party for drug dealers to get new users or for them to restock old ones for a higher price. I've never been since I don't really like parties.

To Vi Bitch: I'm not really sure. I don't like parties, and you know how I feel about drugs.

From Vi Bitch: Come on it's the biggest party of the year! You need to put yourself out there! You can't always sit in your room on your computer

To Vi Bitch: I read too, plus I'll probably have homework anyway.

From Vi Bitch: your teacher ran out of work so he gave you Friday's homework didn't he

To Vi Bitch: yea

I'm not social but I'm smart. I don't go to parties so I study, read, do my homework like a good girl should. I could graduate this year since I took two Math and English classes last year. Now I'm doing college courses to help me start my life faster so I can get out of here. The only reason I'm not graduating this year is because I want to graduate with my best friend Violet.

Violet was the complete opposite of me. She was loud, social and outgoing. She went to parties, had parties and was pretty much friends with everyone. It did help that she was captain of the cheerleaders. You would figure she wouldn't hang out with me because she's so much cooler, but the truth is that she's been friends with me for as long as we can remember and she doesn't want to be friends with anyone else besides me. So since she's friends with me everyone else kinda disses her except for when she has a party.

From Vi Bitch: so please just come it will be fun.

From Vi Bitch: plus your mom won't care

She was right. My mom wouldn't care because my mom doesn't care. My mom gets high almost everyday. There were a few days where she wouldn't be and I felt safe. My dad left because my mom did drugs. She stole from my dad and she stole from me. My dad left three years ago and since he's left my mom has been using more and more. She's become a monster.

I have a job at the Apple Store where I fix computers, phones, and tablets. All that jazz. I also work on customer support where I help you with anything wrong. I'm the youngest one there and I'm 17. I love my job and it pays well. I make around $10 a hour and I try to work at least 15 hours a week so I have money to buy me clothes. That's how I have the clothes I have.

Violet was born into a rich family so she gets spoiled rotten, which is also good for me, because her family takes me as one of their own. They buy me food, clothes and an occasional gift of some sort. I love them like they're my family.

My mom does know about my job so when I get my checks she always takes my money. Sometimes I hide it others she has to take it from me like a child holding onto their favorite toy. It's sad how many times I've gone to school with bruises, burns, or scratches because of my mother.

She was addicted to meth which was terrible. The hallucinations she gets from them are awful. The hallucinations she gets are from when her and my dad were fighting. When they fought they got pretty violent. They threw things, hit each other, my mom even pulled a gun on him once. That's when they split knowing that if my dad stayed there he would get killed or hurt even more.

Love, Nate (N.M)Where stories live. Discover now