Vancouver, My New Home?

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As soon as we got in Vancouver I immediately noticed the weather, cold. I loved it. It was fairly peaceful and quiet. Another plus. As me and my dad were unloading our boxes into the house, I looked around. It was a nice sized house. We used to live in a very cramped apartment in Michigan so this was a BIG upgrade. Two of our neighbors already came over and introduced themselves. Their names were Miles and Corlynn Ramsay. They seemed pretty sweet. But maybe that's just the Canadian stereotype showing through. Either way they said they had two daughters, Ange and Sara, and a son named Josh. They even invited us over for dinner next week. Nice to know we had good people around us. I was actually liking Canada so far.

When my dad told me we were moving it didn't really bother me. I only had one friend back in Michigan, and no relatives. His name is Sam, and I literally went to him for everything and vice versa. And I know what you're all thinking and NO I did not want to date him, besides, he's gay. Anyways, I miss him, but I'm hoping Vancouver will give me a fresh start. Cause I really need one.
Doesn't everyone?

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