Releasing Frustration (M+)

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The Plot: Where you are neighbors with him and have an attraction to each other but never really talked then one day you both get stuck in an elevator. Smut.

Something caused you to be jerked awake from your wonderful nap. You put your hand over your chest as you groggily sat up on the living room couch. There was a lot of commotion going on outside. Throwing out swear words you got up and walked angrily to your front door. You pull the door open and saw movers carrying heavy boxes and furniture to the apartment, 8A, at the end of the hall.

Someone is moving in today, you thought to yourself. Your neighbor, Minae, walked towards you with a big grin on her face. You duck your head a bit as a greeting and so did she. There wasn't room for formality since you two have a pretty close bond.
She was a pretty young lady. Her silky straight hair came short around her jaw, her eyes were adorably large, her skin slightly dark but just so and her lips were the perfect shade of a rose. Many men always wanted to court her when you two went out.
"____, you wouldn't believe who is the person that has moved in," she said, eagerly.
"Who?" You asked before suddenly being pulled by the arm. It was hard to keep up with her quick little steps but somehow you had managed. She didn't let go of your arm even when going down the stairwell. She had only let go once you'd had reach the first floor.
The door swung open to a mover who held another box in his hands. He apologized in which you both had shook your head to. He kindly held the door with his foot and Minae exited with you, obligated to follow behind to the lobby and the place was filled with other movers using the elevators to their advantage.
After doing a little searching, her face broke into a mischevious smile. "That is the person who is our neighbor."
You turn your head, following the direction of her eyes and you realized why Minae had a liking to the new tenant. The man was tall, had pretty white skin with reddish brown colored hair and full pink pouty lips. A black wife beater stuck to his perfectly sculpted form as did the black skinny jeans that hung low on his hips. He glowed confidence as he stood in the middle of the lobby, supervising his belongings. His head turned in your direction, his dark eyes connecting with yours.
Your body went on vibrate as those eyes crawled their way down your legs, up your torso before settling back on your eyes. You felt as if you stood there naked. He threw a dangerously delicious smirk at you before turning around and walking out the front door but not before throwing another look at you and biting his lips.
Minae squealed next to you. "Seems as if he has taken an interest on you, ____," she teased and you just looked at her as if she was mad. All the way up to your floor you had to hear about the look he gave you when you wanted to just forget it but even if Minae wasn't talking about it you still would think about it.
Weeks followed and 8A had moved in comfortably. You hadn't seen much of him since the first day he came to your further disappointment. You always left early for work and came home late. On your days off you were mostly too tired to go around anywhere else but today proved otherwise. You had decided to go out and maybe do some minor shopping for yourself. A little treat for how hard you have worked this week.
You smoothed down your black skirt that fell lose around you. You lightly ran your fingers through your hair then hooked your clutch purse on your shoulder and gave yourself another satisfy look on the mirror before finally exiting your house.
Your white heels clicked against the tile floor, echoing through the hallway. You stood in front of the elevator and pressed the down button. You folded your arms beneath your bosom as you patiently waited. The elevator dinged and the doors open. A couple that lived on the other end of the hall left the elevator. You smiled and made room for them as they gave their excuses and walked down the hallway.
You walked into the elevator and just as you were about to close the doors. You heard a clear voice call out, "Hold the elevator, please!" You pressed the button that kept the doors open and the voice finally appeared. 8A was looking as dashing as ever with his denim jacket that remained open along with his skinny denim jeans and navy cap.
His face automatically changed when he noticed it was you. The smirk that appeared from the first day you saw him reemerge. He walked into the elevator, his hands deep in his pockets. He pulled one out to press the first floor button and the metal doors closed. He put his hand back into his pocket as he looked up at the numbers, leaning back on the rail.
You kept your eyes focus elsewhere but him. Your body felt warm and vibrant just like the first day. The heat radiating from his body was addicting.
The elevator jerked and you held onto the rail before you lost your balance. The elevator had stopped on the third floor. 8A looked confused and his hand reached out to push the first floor button again. The elevator wouldn't budge. He tried pressing the emergency button but that wasn't working either. You found yourself trapped with a man you were immensely attracted to.
You heard him sigh. He leaned against the rail again. His hand went up to remove the cap, revealing the lush locks underneath. He ran his fingers through his hair and the view was tantalizing.
"The buttons aren't working. Do you know if we would be here long?" He asked. His dark eyes that seemed relatively darker than before connected with yours again.
"I-I don't know," you stuttered.
8A grinned and shrugged his shoulders. Your hands felt clammy and you gulped nervously and that sounded louder than expected.
"Do I make you nervous?" 8A asked, huskily.
"What?" You retorted, pushing a hair lock behind your ear.
He pushed himself off the rail and turned, standing in front of you. He placed his hands on either side of your head and you pressed back the cool metal hitting your warm skin. You looked into his eyes, his face unbelievably close to yours.
"Don't deny it," he said, his head moved closer, cocking his head to the side. You moved your head away and felt his hot breath in your ear. You had to bite back a moan.
"I want you to be. You couldn't leave my mind once I laid eyes on you. You had quite the impression on me," he whispered, hotly. "Why don't we make time move faster with a little pleasure?"
Without giving you time to response his lips found yours in a passionate kiss. You placed your hands on his chest as to push him away but he grasped your wrist, pinning them against the wall. His tongue snaked its way into your mouth. It circled your tongue, grazing it and you let out a soft moan.
That had riled him up if the growl he let out was anything to go by. He let go of your wrist just to hook his hands underneath back of your knee and hoist you up. You gasped in surprise and you placed your hands on his shoulder, wrapping your legs around his waist, holding on.
His lips left yours and they kissed your cheek, butterfly kisses traveling to south to your neck. He sucked the flesh, causing you to let out another moan. You fell into this moment. You wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
8A sucked hard, pulling away to admire the mark he left. With one hand still underneath your thigh the other went to the spaghetti strap of your shirt. He yanked it down and you helped it by pulling the other. He held onto you tightly as you slithered your hands out of them.
Your lacy black bra came into view that he can feast his eyes on. He pulled the cup down and his lips closed around your nipple, hungrily sucking on it. His teeth grazed the hardening nub and you let out a wanton moan.
He pulled down the other cup and gave the same ministrations. You felt your entrance become wet underneath the thin fabric of your underwear.
"Shall we go a step further?" 8A asked, teasingly.
His hands snaked their way up your skirt to your underwear and in one swift movement they were trapped around your thighs. The cool hit your heated entrance and you bit your lips.
"Hold yourself up," he ordered and you obliged, bracing your hands on the railing.
His hands went to his belt. You can hear the unbuckling of it and then the rustling as he pulled his jeans and boxers down. He let out a contempt sigh as his erection was released from the tight confinement.
8A's hands smoothed your skirt up and away from your most private area. Then one of his arms wrapped itself around your waist whilst his hand held his hard thick cock in front of your opening.
"You can let go now." And you did, settling your hands back on his shoulders. Finally you could feel his cock sliding itself inside you. You hissed, closing your eyes tightly and he stretched you to his large size.
"Oh shit, you're tight," he said, tightly. "Sorry if it hurts but I can't hold back."
After he said that in came the hard thrust. He shot upwards repeatedly and your grasped his clothed shoulder tightly, almost tearing into the fabric. It hurt but at certain thrust you can feel him grazing the bundle of nerves inside you and you let out a moan, letting him know that's where it is.
8A's hips shot up in a faster pace and the arms around you controlled your movements, pushing you down to each thrust. A groan left his lips.
"I can't do it like this." He pulled you away from the wall and you hurriedly wrapped your arms around his neck. The sudden movement caused you to slip further down his shaft, helping him slide in deeper. You wailed hotly into his ear.
He slowly got to his knees, careful never to drop you or slip out from you. He gently laid you on your back on the rubbery floor. Your eyes take a good look at him. He was sweaty, his hair sticky to the sides of his face and his forehead but even like that he looked delicious.
He tore off his jacket and shirt then his hand snaked its way to your arched back and it unclasped your bra. He fling that piece of clothing somewhere as he did for his jacket and shirt.
8A lowered himself, his elbows helping himself balance and his bare torso pressed against yours. His breath on your ear, he whispered, "Call me Kim L when you're moaning or when you scream out your orgasm."
With those words said, he resumed his thrusting but this position was much easier. With every languid thrust his pelvis would graze your clitoris heightening your pleasure and you showcased it, moaning loudly and whining when the head of his dick would brush against your g-spot.
He grunted into your ear and that turned you on even more. His thrust became more powerful and with each you can feel the breath being knocked out of you. Your body jerked upwards and you had to brace your hands against the wall on top of your head. You spread your legs, unashamedly, pulling them up and Kim L let out another one of his growls, pushing into you much more harder.
"Faster," you moaned as if you deemed it possible but he proved you wrong. Kim L was young and had the stamina to go as fast as he wanted to. His hands found yours on the metal wall and he entwined them, never stopping the pleasurable thrusts.
"I'm close," you chocked out into his ear just when he pounded against your spot. He nodded, furiously, indicating he was too and with a few more thrust you came around his thick member. Kim L panted and let out a grunt. You felt him swell inside you then emptiness as he pulled out and came over your thighs.
His weight gave out under him and he lay on top of you. Both of you were breathing heavy and harshly. You look up to the numbers and were surprised that you two were still stuck but you liked it this way. You wanted this moment to never end but to just keep replaying.
"So, _____," Kim L breathed out. "Can I take you out some time then we can have more fun in my apartment?"
You felt a little taken aback but nonetheless happy. "Of course but how did you know my name?"
Kim L smiled into the crook of your neck before moving up and placing a kiss on your lips. "I told you you left an impression on me. I asked your friend and she told me just like that."
You rolled your eyes, "Of course she would."
Kim L closed his lips against yours again, repeatedly and your body went warm again.
"Shall we have another go at my place?" He whispered in a rough voice.

Look forward the second part
[ Part 2 ] > [ Beautiful Morning (M+) ]

Author; yourscenario [Tumblr]

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