"No one Cares?"

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"MyungMyung, you know I love you right, more than anything" you mumbled quietly and quickly to your phone , "yeah, I know that!! But why the sudden random call of affection?" he chuckled on the other line , "Nothing just wanted you to know that" you smiled to yourself , "Okay, I'll pick you up from your house tomorrow afternoon okay? gotta go practice now love you jagi.. goodnight" he said before hanging up. You took a deep breath in before throwing your cellphone into your backpack then filled it with clothes, a toothbrush and your wallet before closing your bag and throwing it across your back. You bit your lip as you slowly and quietly left your room, running out through the front door, without any second thoughts.
It was 2:13 in the morning and Infinite was still in their dance studio taking a break from their long rehearsal, Myungsoo decided to call you just in case you were still awake but since it went to voicemail, he assumed that you were in bed. All of a sudden they heard someone pound on the front door, they all confusedly looked at each other "Probably Lee JungWook Hyung -manager-, checking up on us" Sungjong said, Myungsoo stood up to open the door but his eyes grew wide as he saw your parents standing there with a worried expression on their faces. He bowed politely only to be cut off by your mother frantically pushing him aside barging into the dance studio "Is she here?? Is... ____ here?" she turned to Myungsoo and grabbed onto his arms and started shaking him "Where is she?? Where's my ____?!" she screamed, All Myungsoo could do was look at her confusedly before your mother dropped to her knees, and began crying calling out your name, Myungsoo and your dad helped her up, and he turned to your father who was calm but had this look of fear and worry in his eyes "Sorry for barging in like this but ____ isn't home, ____ ran away... we thought she would've came here to you but it looks like she's not here" Myungsoo was lost in his thoughts for a moment he blanked out when your father said that you had run away. Almost automatically he looked at your father "Don't worry, I'll find her and bring her home" Myungsoo assured your father before signalling to Dongwoo to get the car keys.

"I swear once I find her, I'm gonna make sure she's okay then Im gonna kill her, CAN'T YOU DRIVE FASTER!" Myungsoo stammered angrily to Dongwoo while looking out the window , "Calm Down Myungsoo, taking your anger out on Dongwoo won't make us find her any faster, Its the middle of the night, it's gonna be hard to find her plus ____ is a smart girl, Im pretty sure shes safe" Sunggyu said trying to calm Myungsoo down from the back seat. Myungsoo sighed and pulled his hair "That girl ... is driving me Insane" , "Did you try ringing her?" Sunggyu asked, "I did but she won't pick up" Myungsoo hit the side of his head to the window and sighed holding back his frustrated tears (Please be safe) he thought to himself. "Do you have a place where she would go to, you know to be alone?" Dongwoo asked eyes still locked on the road. Myungsoo blinked for a couple of seconds, trying hard to think of a place where you would be, He immediately sat up "Hyung, Turn the car around!! i think I know where she is"
Sick and tired of your parents arguments and constant yelling and screaming, you just had enough and just left . You had planned to buy a train ticket to anywhere just to get away from your parents, But one thing was stopping you from leaving... Myungsoo, You loved him too much for you to just leave, you couldn't hop on that train, so instead you sat on the park bench clutching your backpack, At 3:16 in the morning. This park meant alot to you, It was where you first met Myungsoo Who was aimlessly walking around taking pictures of clouds. Your phone rang again and you saw that it was Myungsoo, You sighed as you declined the call again. "Sorry MyungMyung" you whispered to yourself "Not this time" you added. You pulled your knees up to your chest and rested your head on your knees. Couple of Minutes later you heard footsteps running towards you, frightened you shut your eyes your head still resting on your knees. You heard someone pant before you felt something warm wrap around your back. You slowly lifted up your head opening your eyes, to see Myungsoo standing in front of you giving you a complete staredown with his infamous pokerface of his. "What are you doing here?" you mumble looking anywhere else except for his eyes. "I should be asking you that question" Myungsoo began "Come on we're going home" he said taking your backpack from you and grabbing your wrist , "Let Go, MyungMyung" You say trying to pull away from him but his grip on you was too tight. "I don't want to go Home, I'm sick and tired of everything happening in that Hell Hole they call home! They don't care about me, no one Does!" You yell. Myungsoo instantly stopped in his tracks and dropped your wrist. "No one Cares?" Myungsoo questions turning around to look at you, you wished he didn't because now you could clearly see the redness in Myungsoo's eyes, which indicated that he had been crying. "No one cares?" He questions again grabbing onto your shoulders. "Hoya, Sungyeol, Sungjong and Woohyun went around the entire town looking for you and you say No One cares? Your parents barged in the dance studio in the middle of the night looking for you and you say no One cares?? Dongwoo and Sunggyu?? I would've spent ALL day and night looking for you... yet you say No One Cares? WE WERE ALL WORRIED ABOUT YOU ____" You let the tears pour down your face as Myungsoo continued to speak. "We all Love you ____ and we all care especially me... I care for you.. so much that I would've gone crazy if you left, so don't you ever say that No One cares" he says using his thumbs to wipe away your tears. "Im sorry..." you mumbled as Myungsoo pulled you in for a embrace. "It's fine, but DONT even think about doing this again or I swear I'll really kill you" You chuckle a little before pulling away. "I couldn't do it anyway, I love you way too much to just leave you" , "Good!!" Myungsoo smirked before pulling you in for a passionate and sincere kiss. Only to be cut short when Dongwoo honked the horn of his car. "If you two lovebirds don't mind I have a sleeping grandpa at the back seat and he drools, so I would like to get him to bed as fast as possible" Dongwoo joked. As you held Myungsoo hand you knew that he cared for you as much as you cared for him and he was never gonna let you get away from him again.

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