Snow indeed...

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After I met and talked to everyone there, with Sans' help because I had to talk to a fish for cryin' out loud. But Undyne wasn't so bad, I guess I would just have to get to know her.

She seemed like she could be friendly, and she typically was, besides the point of being loud and a little obnoxious.

I talked to everyone else as well, trying to know as much as possible. The robots name was Mettaton, and when I had started to walk towards him, the outline of a figure next to him became more clear and next to him was a small shy looking ghost...

I learned the ghost's name was Napstablook, but since I think I would stumble on the word, I'm gonna call them Blooky. Mettaton in the other hand was anything but shy. He seemed to look at Papyrus every other second, and if he caught Papyrus looking back he would wink, and Papyrus seemed to have a little orange dancing across his face.

Toriel I learned a bit about as well. Apparently she was like a mother to Frisk when they had first come down here, but since Frisk had apparently wanted to go home, She had to let them out of the ruins, where Frisk walked down the same path I did and met Sans the same way I did.

She had also been queen, but after her son Asriel  had died and her husband Asgore declared that any human that had fallen down here would be killed, she had left him, never to be seen by him again. Until of course recently, when she had fled the ruins and saved Frisk from fighting Asgore (for the second time X,D Pap: GG SHHHHH IM LISTENING) and then the flash of light occurred and now no one knows what happened, besides Frisk.

Of course I chatted up with Frisk a little more as well, just trying to get the child to like me as much as possible. Sans was just talking with everyone just as much as I was, and when I got to Frisk he scooped them up and placed them on his shoulders, Frisk giggling all the way up. Once they were on his shoulders they were taller than both me and Sans, them ginning down at us. I couldn't help but smile back, and I noticed it looked like Sans had smiled more as well.

"*you're really giggly today kid, who put a quarter in ya?" They just giggled more, placing their hands on top of his skull. Then Frisk looked away from Sans, and out the window, and smiled wider. "It's snowing," they said quietly. I turned to look and saw that it indeed had started to snow softly.

"Oh dear, I should be leaving soon. Frisk my child would you like to spend the night here or come home?" The small child made a little "hm" and held onto the skeletons skull a little tighter, signaling they wanted to be here. "Alright, it was lovely to meet you Y/N, I hope we can meet again." The she said goodbye to everyone else, then turned to the door and left.

Undyne looked out the window, frowning a little. "I should be leaving too, don't need to be getting stuck out here... See you all later." She also turned to the door and left. Sans looked at Mettaton as if expecting him to leave soon as well, but he didn't budge, still standing next to Papyrus, him fidgeting a little.

Again Sans smile faltered, and he turned away to the ghost, now completely visible when ever I looked at them. "*are you gonna be leaving soon Nappy, or are you planning on staying." They seemed flustered that Sans had spoken for a moment, then calmed down a little.

"I... I mean I'll leave... I-If I'm in your guys' way of course...I don't w-want to make any of you uncomfortable..." I smiled at them. They seemed so nervous and scared.

"Oh darling, of course you should be able to stay! With me staying here and all I don't see the problem..." "*what?" Sans looked at Mettaton, and it looked like he almost had eyebrows for a second and it looked like he was frowning, a forced smile on his face.

"I said I'm spending the night, so I don't see a reason why Blooky can't stay either, I don't see a problem do you see one Pappy?" Mettaton then looked up at Papyrus, and by the look Pap wore it looked like he had melted. "I-I MEAN...... I-IT'S SANS' DECISION NOT MINE..." Papyrus looked at Sans, and it was like they had a silent conversation with their eyes, then Sans rolled his eyes and put a hand to his face.

"*fine, Mettaton can stay..." He grumbled this under his breath, then Mettaton beamed and hugged Papyrus, making him go stiff and making his cheeks go bright orange. I grinned. It was cute I had to admit, even if Sans seemed to absolutely hate the idea of the two to be in the same room together...

Sans, still keeping one hand on Frisk's foot to keep them from falling backwards, walked forward to the couch and leaned forward, making Frisk do a flip and land on their butt on the couch, laughing. He grinned down at them pleased that he made them laugh again. "*get dunked on," he said then walked around the couch and sat next to Frisk.

I kinda stood there, not knowing what to do. After about 30 seconds, Sans then turned to look at me. "*again, you seem lost..." "Well, again I kinda am. What am I supposed to do?" "*stay here obviously. you won't be able to get to what was the barrier in one night and it's probably going to snow a bunch, so I suggest you make yourself at home."

I guessed he was right, and it was already snowing more than it was the last time I looked out. I turned to see what Mettaton and Pap were doing, but when I looked where they were standing they were gone. I decided I wouldn't be the one to tell Sans that information.

I walked to the other side of the couch and plopped myself down, so Frisk was in the middle and Sans on the other side. He changed a few channels until this rerun of a show popped up and Frisk smiled.

"*are you gonna make me watch this again?" Sans looked at Frisk, a grin on his face. "Come on Sans you know you like this one..." Frisk looked back, smiling as well. Sans' grin grew wider. "*fine fine, i'm not saying that's true though..." I watched silently, smiling a little myself.

Sans turned up the volume, then just sat back and watched, Frisk also watching. I turned to the screen and watched also. Apparently it was one of Mettaton's episodes, and Frisk seemed to be in it.

It was funny. Mettaton was dancing in the screen while a yellow heart seemed to be darting back and forth across the screen, dodging multiple mini Mettaton's and bombs. So apparently that's what happened when you got in a fight. Weird. Frisk had to do all of this?! They're just a kid... They seem fine now, but I wondered what exactly happened during that flash of light...

The show seemed to go on for a while with out any progress, and after losing both his arms and legs, Mettaton had answered multiple calls from callers, after announcing that he would leave after "defeating" Frisk, and than after the multiple calls he seemed to want to stay.

After I while I felt my eyes getting droopy, And I laid my head back on the arm of the couch, still trying to stay awake. Eventually the invisible weight on my eyes won, and I closed my eyes drifting off to sleep...
Welp, BOI

Looks like we're SnowdinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora