Other Monsters... And a gay ass robot...

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Sans P.O.V
Frisk ran at me like a bullet, jolting me back after jumping into my arms.
"*hey kiddo! how you been?" Frisk talked to me quietly, asking about Y/N. I told them that they got here just like they did and their face lit up.

They still asked a few questions, and then I realized that Toriel was her as well... And it looked like Y/N was trying her best not to freak out...
I completely forgot to tell her about the other monsters that were here...

I stood there, staring at the... Goat... Lady? (I'm not even going to try and make a joke about Toriel being a cow because I know she's not and I know there will be a shit storm in the comments if I do)

She just stood at the door, watching as Frisk and Sans talked, then Sans finally seemed to notice she was here then realized something else, and face palmed. Then just grinned at the goat woman.

"*hey Tori," "Hello Sans, Frisk just wanted to come over for a bit, they would stop asking so I decided to bring them over, their a ball of energy today trust me," "*i can tell..." He said this as Frisk flung themselves again and sat on his shoulders.

Then the woman finally seemed to notice me, and smiled at me. "Oh hello there, I am Toriel, who are you might I ask?" I just kinda stood there for a second before responding with my name. "Oh what a lovely name."

"*she fell down from the mountain," Sans was struggling to grab Frisk off his back, then giggling uncontrollably. "Oh really?? No one has fallen from there in ages! Are you alright dear it looks like you have a cut on your face..."

Just as she said that Sans finally caught Frisk and then sat them down on the ground as they continued giggling. "*i got it Tori," he walked over again after picking up the stuff from the table. In his arms were paper towels and... Dammit peroxide. That was gonna sting.

He got a few of the paper towels and opened the peroxide, roping it on the paper and letting it soak then tipped it back quickly. "*here, hold this onto it," "I hate peroxide...." "*you're not the only one, Frisk hates the stuff." He still tried to hand over the paper towel, but I still refused to grab it.

"*fine i'll do it myself," he reached out and grabbed onto my chin softly, turning my head so he could see the cut, then lightly pressed it paper towel up against it. I winced, felling the sting of the peroxide, and closed one eye, waiting for it to subside.

Waiting for it to subside a little, I opened my eye again and looked at him. Not much to say since he was a skeleton of course, but he was much shorter than Papyrus, though I sensed he was a little older, five years maybe less... probably less... And his eyes were cool. Instead of just being black ovals like Papyrus', his were big round circles, with white pupils in the center. And at the moment it looked as if there was a light blue... blush? He could blush? Oh my God that so fucking adorable. But it must of just been hot, if he could be affected by that, because it was kinda hot in the room...

He leaned back and took the towel away, after wiping the cut a little, then went up the stairs again into the bathroom, then came out and brought back a band aid (a big one okay don't think it's just a little thing X,D)

"Thank you," he shrugged, still the grin never fading. Then Frisk walked up and stood next to Sans, looking at me again. They whispered to Sans again, and he smiled more, chuckling. Then they walked up to me, and waved quietly saying "Hi."

"Hi," I crouched down and waved as well. "Did you fall down?" I figured they were talking about the mountain. "Yea, I fell down from the mountain,"
They beamed at me, "I did too, a little while ago," "So I've heard... What was it like? Falling down here? Did you get one of these?" I pointed to my band aid.

They giggled and shook their head no. I grinned. "So what happened?" "Toriel helped me, and then I met Sans... It was weird," They giggled again. "He shook my hand with a whoopee cushion in it," I laughed.

"Me too, it was an.... Interesting, way to meet someone for the first time." They again giggled then smiled up at me, and walked back to Sans, whispered something in his ear, and his face went blank then if he had eyebrows they would have went up, and his cheeks went a little blue again.

"*what are yo- hey get back here ya lil," they were already running away, laughing and heading to hide behind Papyrus' legs. Sans rolled his eyes and just smiled. Then apparently everyone was just allowed to walk into someone's home without permission whenever they want, because a giant...
Burst through the door.

It looked like the fish lady would have spoke, but then saw me. "So, how'd she get down here??" Her voice sounded as if she was talking through a microphone.
"*she fell from the mountain."
"Liar, you and I both know that no one goes there there anymo-"

"I did," I interrupted her, shrugging. She looked at me, as if trying to crush me with her eyes. I just kept the "Hi, yes you can stop staring at me" look on my face.

"You actually feel own from there?Pfft, What did you do, sleep walk?" I frowned. "I knew what I was doing..." "I haven't seen anyone fall from there in a while... So I figured it was either a dare, or you just being st-"

"AAAAANYWAY, IS THERE A REASON YOU CAME OVER UNDYNE??" Papyrus cut her off, looking rather uncomfortable. "Our cooking lesson, Obviously..." "*oh boy, not tonight, please..." "BUT SAAAAANS!!! YOU PROMISED!!!"

Just then, the door banged open and in the door way stood a-
Male fashion designer gone wrong? I didn't even know anymore. Then I realized that it was a robot. Oh My God...

"Hello Everyone!~ I am- Oh! Now who is this??" The robot pointed at me then looked back and forth between Sans Papyrus, mostly Papyrus. Sans then spoke, "*well, she's a human that fell from the mountain..." He gasped rather dramatically. "From the mountain?! No one ever comes from there anymore!!"

The robashionista (yes deal with it I just typed that) then walked into the room and after closing the door with his leg, walked and stood next to Papyrus. You saw Sans almost lose his smile, but after a second, and looking away from the two, his face returned to its smiling state.

Everyone seemed to be talking and laughing with each other and I guessed they all knew each other really well, and just watched. It looked nice... Sans and Papyrus where talking, while and the robot look as if he was talking to midair, then if I looked closer I could see the outline of something... I couldn't tell what it was and decided not to question it. Toriel and Frisk were both playing around, making each other laugh about something.

Then Sans noticed me standing there and said something to Papyrus real quick, then walked over to me.
"*you look lost there..." I grinned a little. "Well I feel like it.... I don't know anyone here..."
"*hey, you know me don't you?" I looked at Sans and he seemed to grin bigger, looking back. I smiled.

"I guess I do..."

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