Nice of you to Drop In

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Sans P.O.V
It's the same thing every day, no one ever comes through this door any more. Not like it mattered, we were free anyway...

After Frisk set us all free -we honestly don't remember how, there was a flash of light... They haven't told anyone how it happened, not even me. Me! But I stopped pestering them a little while ago- Asgore and the humans signed a peace treaty, so now humans come and go through here, but never through the door anymore.

I still come here every day, like I did when Frisk first came to the Underground, but no one has came through this was since. Guess they got some brains and decided that they would try not falling down a giant hole on a mountain that leads to God knows wh-

I stop in the middle of my pacing- back and forth in front of the door- as someone started to open it.

Your P.O.V
(Just to make this clear when i write "I" in the story I do mean you the reader, okay? Okay)
I open the door and peer out. My cheek still throbbed from the cut I got as I fell into the hole. Damn rock. I look around.

No one in sight.
God, I have to go all the way through this place just to get to that barrier thing. I stepped out of the door way and walked a few yards then heard the bang of the door closing behind me.

I turn to see if anyone did that, but of course no one was there, so I keep walking.
It feel like someone is watching me... Weird. I step over a large stick in the middle if the path and continue walkin-

I whip around and look at the stick to see its broken. What the fuck...
I turn around and pick up the pace.
After a while I look over my shoulder and out of the corner of my eye it looks like a figure following me.
I turn quickly. "Who's-"
No one.

Turning on my heel I practically run on the path, until there was this... gate?... Thingy?... Before I could step onto it though, I heard foot steps, inching closer behind me until it was-

"h u m a n."
I shuddered.
"d o n t   y o u  k n o w  h o w  t o 
g r e e t  a  n e w  p a l? t u r n  a r o u n d  a n d s h a k e  m y  h a n d..."

Shakily, I turned and saw a black figure -around my height- right in front of me, extending a hand. I hesitantly reach out to grab it-
What the fuck... A whoopee cushion.
A. Whoopee. Cushion...
The figure in front of me faded from what looked like a shadowed guy into a-

Skeleton?!?! It was a skeleton grinning at me, looking like he was holding in- never mind. He was laughing his ass off... Did skeletons have asses? I decided not to ponder it. After laughing and seeing my expression was still reading what the actual fuck, he gave a lazy grin and started to talk, and his mouth didn't really move...

"*heh, sorry, did i give ya a scare?" I still just kinda was frozen, looking at him. "*o-kay i guess i did. welp, im Sans... you don't have to tell me your name, that's fine. not like I was trying to be friendly or anything..."

I frowned slightly, and opened my mouth to respond, with a raspy squeak, then cleared my throat. "I... I'm Y/N... Th-That's really your name? Sans... Like Comic Sans, the font?"

"*sure is. now unless you plan on freezing out here, I suggest you come with me to Frisk... well, that is unless you know what you are doing here, or you have somewhere to be..." There was no real reason to why I had come down here...
That was a lie... I knew why, I just didn't want to talk about it... At all...

"U-Uhm...." I didn't realize until then how cold it was there. Well I should have known that, it was snowing for God's sake. "I-I don't have anywhere to go, or know what I'm doing... And is Frisk really here?"

I had heard about Frisk up above here, how they had ventured up the mountain and basically made it possible for humans and monsters to pass through what was the barrier.

"*uh, yea... they really didn't include me in that story? at all?... that sucks. well, yea i'm one of Frisk's friends down here. they basically live at me and my brother's house... well not really... eh." He- Sans shrugged, not losing his grin once. "*you comin' or not??"

"W-Well yea I-"
"*great," Then before I could react I felt a bone hand grab mine and before I knew it, it was like we were... Teleporting?? Sure seemed like it. Then I was standing in the middle of a living room, dizzy as hell. "*welp, here we ar-"

"*oh boy..."
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!" I turn to look where the very -VERY- loud voice was coming from, and when I turned-

Another skeleton.
Another. Fugin'. Skeleton.
Cooking. I couldn't help but almost laugh.

"I'VE BEEN WAITING HERE FOR YOU FO-" The much taller skeleton finally seemed to notice me, and do a double take. Then his whole face lit up and if a skeleton could smile, he just smiled ear to ear.

"SANS IS THAT ANOTHER HUMAN?! WOWWIE, FRISK WILL FINALLY HAVE A NEW PLAY MATE!!!" I thought about meeting Frisk, and smiled myself

"*yup, and she fell down from the mountain too..." "REALLY?! HOW BIZARRE!!! NO ONE EVER COMES FROM THERE ANYM- OH NO HUMAN, YOUR FACE IS LEAKING!!!"

I put a hand to my cheek again and felt warm liquid meet my fingers. I pulled my fingers back and saw that they were red with a little bit of blood still dripping from the cut. I saw Sans out of the corner of my eye and was looking at me with a genuine worried look.

"*here, i'll get you something," and he walked up the stairs and disappeared into what you suspected to be the bathroom. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT HUMAN?? I ONLY SEE THINGS LIKE THAT WHEN FRISK FALLS ON THE SIDEWALK WHILE PLAYING AND HURTS THEIR KNEE..."

"I'm alright... Thank yo- hey, mind if I ask what's your name?" "I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!! AND WHAT IS YOUR NAME, HUMAN???"
I grinned. "Thank you Papyrus," If it was possible he grinned wider and then the front door opened and a giggling child ran through the room and straight for Papyrus.

"HELLO FRISK!!!" Papyrus kneeled down and the kid ran up to him and gave him a hug then basically flung themselves over his shoulders and sat on them, "Pap!" My eyes widened. That's Frisk??? I didn't know what I was expecting, but not this. An 8 to 11 year old... Hm.

They seemed to look over at me and their eye brows went up, then they whispered something to Papyrus, and he nodded to them, and they again looked at me. Then the door to the bathroom opened again and Sans walked out with a few things in his hands. The child's eyes brightened and they wriggled on Papyrus' shoulders, and he let them down.

"*uh oh, look who it is!!" Sans set the stuff down onto a near by table that sat next to a couch, then looked as if to be prepared to get knocked over. Frisk ran at him full speed and jumped up into his arms, giggling. "*hey kiddo! how you been?" They just smiled and talked quietly to him. Then I noticed that there was someone else standing by the door, and once I got a good look.

It's... A goat....
Why am I not surprised?...
Hiya!! This is my first chapter of the book, so if there are mistakes please dunt be mad at meh DX. But anyways, I hope the people that actually read this enjoy it!! Boi!!

Looks like we're SnowdinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon