Never Get Caught

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"Toni's in the hospital, she's been there since Friday. If you want the job done today just say the word and everything will be in action."

I looked at Tristan.

"Go for it! No......wait... I wanna go do it myself." I smirked.

He sat down onto the sofa and looked at me while playing with his knife.

"You know Josh... It would really be amazing if you went and paid Toni a visit in hospital. Before Nicole kills her." Tristan told Josh.

He laughed. After my divorce with Austin I had met Josh, and we just clicked immediately. But no we are not married. Because he wants Toni back and I want Kenneth! And what Nicole and Josh want... They get!


I looked around me staring at all the machines and nurses surrounding me. I couldn't believe I was here again. I noticed an X-Ray, not sure if it was mine, but... There was baby in the center of the X-Ray scanner.

"Mrs Braxton-Edmonds, is doing well, better then yesterday."

"Thank you Nurse." Ken shook the nurses hand as she went out smiling.

He looked at me and noticed I was awake which made him smile. I smiled right back at him.

"Your up!" He shouted in excitement.

I tried reaching out for his hand but my hand didn't seem to cooperate. I frowned which made him frown to.

"Ken... What's wrong with my hand." I asked him on the verge of crying.

He cleared his throat as he stared at me. "Your hand ability is lost-"

"What?" I said as tears streamed down my face. "Am disabled."

"No your not disabled-"

"Save it Ken! It's not worth it! Am gonna die!"

"Your not gonna die-"

"Yes I am! Am gonna end up being disabled. What man wants to marry a woman and then take care of her for the rest of their married life, have no more sexy-"

"I do! I married a woman that I love with all my heart and soul! And I would take care of her until the end of time! Even if that does mean no sex ever again! Because that's not why I married her." I felt so touched. I tried being mad at him but when my eyes met his...

"Ken... Let's..."

"I love you."

"And I love you too!" I cried out.

He leaned down and placed his forehead onto mine, he stared into my eyes and I saw a little twinkle in his eyes.

"Am I gonna die Ken?" I softly asked.

"Your not... Your hand is just disable for now, until they find a cure for whatever is wrong with you." He interwinded our hands. "And hopefully they find one soon." He sighed.

"Is it that serious?" I looked away, trying not to make anymore eye contact.

He nodded. "Unfortunately, it is."

Making me cry even more. "Your strong... Remember God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers." He pecked my forehead.

I smiled. "How's Aubrey?"

"She's... Not herself."

"What do you mean she's not herself?"

"Every time she walks into this room, she just looses it Toni. Your mother and I have decided not to bring her here anymore-" I looked up at him.

"Why? I need to see my baby."

"She's fine Toni. This place gives her terrible vibes, she gets all blue when she sees you laying in this bed, she can't bare it Toni. Do you want your 3year old daughter laid up in a hospital bed as well?" He asked me, sternly.

I chewed on my bottom lip, as I shook my head no. I laid there thinking. I looked at Kenny.


Me and Josh walked into the hospital undercover. As a married couple. I pretended I was holding a baby. Which was actually this baby doll, wrapped up in a blanket.

We walked up to the desk and the lady looked up from her computer at us.

"How may I help you lovely couple?"

"Am here to visit my best friend Toni... Toni... Toni... Braxton - Edmonds." I smiled down at her.

"Toniiii Braxtonnn..." She slowly said typing it into her computer. "Oh here, Toni Michele. Last room on your left." She smiled looking up at us.

"Thank you." We said in unison.

Walking straight towards her room. Kenny was seated there. Damn him!

"Her annoying husband is with her-"

"He is not annoying." I scolded Josh.

"My bad." He backed up in defense.

"How you gonna get him out there."

Then it hit me. "I have an idea." I said biting my lip.


I looked over at the door as I heard it slightly open. I looked up and it was the doctor.

"Doctor?" I got up gesturing him to shake my hand. Not completely sure if this was really Toni's doctor.

"How are you? Am filling in for doctor Jackie, am doctor Josh..."

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