Truth Shall Be Told

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"Why did you have an abortion 6 years ago?"

I looked at Ken, with no expression on my face. As my heart started pounding faster. He got up and narrowed his eyes at me. As he stood at the door with his arms folded across his chest.

"Are we actually gonna argue right now? I just came out of a 4week coma and your asking me... About a damn abortion?" I raised my voice at him.

As Aubrey stirred in the bed, I looked down at her. And then back at Ken. "I don't want us to argue, I just wanted-"

"Of course we are gonna argue... Because your asking me a damn question that happened in the past-"

"Why are you getting so angry?" He asked with as he leaned on the wall.

I took a deep breath as I let it out again. Calming myself down. "Ken... I thought we were gonna focus on the future and leave the past alone." I said sternly.

He nodded his head, as it understanding. "Can we just get some rest?" I asked him.

He looked straight at me, as he moved over to his chair and sat down.

"We should buy a new house-" I said trying to change the topic.

"You still haven't answered my question." He said, sounding very serious.

I looked at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't we just have a civil conversation without any arguments?" I asked with my voice slightly raised.

"Am not starting any argument, you the one that always starts the arguments... For no apparent reason." He said looking up at the heavens.

"Fuck you."

"You already did."

I was growing more and more angrier. Just as the door slightly opened and my mother came in knocking on it, as she peaked inside.

"May I come in?" She asked, as I smiled at her.

"Of course ma." I responded.

"I see she's asleep. Missing her mothers embrace. I'll take her, so you two can talk." My mother said, as she slowly lifted Aubrey up into her hands. Walking out. "Goodnight you two, this is a hospital, so please. Save the lust for at home..." My mother spoke making me and Ken chuckle.

"Now will you tell me?"

I looked at him. As I could feel the tears start to well up in my face. "You wanna know why I had an abortion Ken? You really wanna know?"


"Because I was young! I was studying, getting my honors degree, your parents and mine, would have murdered us... I couldn't risk my life like that... College was everything to me, I had worked my butt off to get there. Do you really think that I was gonna ruin that opportunity by having a baby? No! I wasn't- we weren't ready to be parents yet-"

"No ones ready to be parents, but they all cop-"

"You don't understand, your not the one risking your life, your fortune, because you were already working for your father... You weren't gonna have any worries." He got up. "Do you really think, I was gonna do that to us... No... I admit it was selfish of me, but... You can't blame me for bettering my future. My grandma always told me, never depend on a man. And I felt that I was gonna-"

"As your man... It was gonna be and still is my duty regardless of what we have and don't have, to take care of you... Because I love you. And I would've done anything for you." With that said. Our lips connected.

A kiss that send my body into overdrive. Tongues fighting and arguing for dominance. Love and lust could be felt threw the way he caressed my cheek. The way I grabbed his shoulders. I never thought in my life, I would ever find true love, ever...!

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