The Lords Blessing

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I sat there, we looked from one another to the shower door. At least the shower was steamy so not much could be seen, we kept our silence. Until she spoke again.

"Mommy, am scared..." She started sniffing, as she let out little small soft cries.

We still kept quite, until we saw the shower door slowly slide open.

"Babygirl, mommy will be out in a few seconds, go have a nap on mommy's bed pumpkin."

She said nothing. As I heard her tiny footsteps leave the bathroom. Kenny chuckled, as I looked at him slapping his chest playfully.

"It's not funny." I whispered semi yelling at him.

He smacked his lips as he tried not to laugh. I slid off him, as he gave a light groan. Grabbing a towel as I wrapped it around my body, stepping out the shower. I peaked by the door as I saw her laying on the bed on her stomach, fast asleep. Or so I thought...

"Mommy, hurry up!" She shouted.

"Am coming." I said drying my hair off as I walked into my closet. I oiled my body down and put on my sexy lace sleep dress.

I came out seeing Kenny was drying himself off as well. As he went into his closet passing me. I walked into the bedroom as I looked at Aubrey.

"What's wrong angel?" I asked her as I sat down next to her. Rubbing up and down her back.

"I'm scared, the monster is out to catch me..." She trailed off. "There he is!" She shouted, burying her face into the pillow, as the lightning struck, causing a line to appear on the curtain by the balcony.

"It's just the lightning babygirl." Ken said in a soothing voice as he came out in nothing but a pair of his night shorts. I stared at him. And he probably noticed me staring.

"Toni baby stop drooling." He sarcastically said, causing me to laugh sarcastically.

"Haha. Your so funny Ken." I said as I opened up the bed for Aubrey and me to get inside. Ken put on the television as he got into bed as well.


We were up all night, due to keeping Aubrey company. I should have never put on that television in the first place. As soon as you close your eyes, your either leaving her alone, or your such a bad person. It was 7 a.m. Friday morning. I had work today and Toni had an early show checkup on her models and designs.

I walked into the kitchen as Toni had a mug of coffee in her hands, staring out the window at the backyard. It was gonna be my birthday in a few days. And I was honestly very excited.

"Good morning gorgeous." I said grabbing a cup out the cabin. She spun around looking at me.

"Good..." She yawned. "... Morning" She finished.

"Don't swallow me in." I joked, causing her to laugh while still yawning.

"Trust me that's the last thing I would ever try and do." I smiled at her. As she walked over to me, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Am gonna be gone in a few minutes. So you stuck with Aubrey until Tamar gets here-" I cut her off.

"What. I have to be gone in a few minutes as well."

"Ken! Seriously, how many times have I told you that you should put family first... I keep-"

"Toni please don't start with that." I sighed. She backed up, staring at me in complete shock as she placed her left hand onto her hip, since her right hand was holding the mug.

"You know what-" the doorbell ringing cut her off.

"Come in!" We both yelled in frustration. And in came Tamar. Thank God!

"Proceed." I demanded.

"Morning guys-"

"Fuck you Ken!" Toni yelled.

"Would you please do the honor." I said with open arms.


I stood there listening and watching these two argue. After Kenny's words Toni spun around as she threw the mug at him. But instead it hit the wall, and broke... Making my eyes grow wide open.

"You sure do love breaking things don't you?" Ken calmly asked her.

"Maybe because I know, you'll be the one paying for all the things I break!"

"Screw you!"

"Glad too!"

"OOP..." I trailed off as they both stared at me. "I'll be upstairs with Aubrey." I nervously said, speed walking out the kitchen, going up the stairs. But stopped in my tracks and went down peaking at them by the wall.

"Family is suppose to be your number one priority." Toni said in a calmed tone.

"I know that-" she cut in.

"Then why the fuck is it your second?" She furiously yelled.

"Don't yell at me!" He yelled.

"Am not yelling at you!" She yelled back at him. "Am simply raising my voice in a frustrated manner." She closed her eyes, as she tried to calm down. She opened them up again as she looked at her wrist watch. And sighed.

"Am gonna be late for work..." She softly said. Grabbing her bag.

"Your just gonna leave like that?"

"Yes I am." She snapped.

"Fine!" He yelled. She turned around. "Fine!" She yelled back at him.

These two were something else. They both walked out the house frustrated. I wonder what's wrong with them this early in the morning.

I walked up to the door and closed it locking it on my way. I went upstairs as I found Aubrey seated on the carpet in her room, scribbling something with her crayons, on her drawing pad.

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