Dax, Chapter 8

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While Dax worked, he heard a mumbling coming from Laen, and he willed his ears to listen to what he was saying.

"In order to gain access to the system controls that will allow us to adjust the screens on the docking web, we'll need a terminal. Since the terminal panels have been stripped out of the walls in the docking bay, I'll have to manufacture an interface, which could take a week. I'll need to identify the i/o port structures..."

After Dax was finished with his work, Laen jumped up and busied himself with wires and then went over to his exosuit and was stopped by the Artemisian soldiers and the female commander. Dax walked over to him, and tapped on his shoulder.

"I was thinking about what you were saying over there, and since there's not a terminal panel here, maybe there's one further into the ship. And even if there isn't one, wouldn't it be easier to gain access if we could find a control panel or something?" He asked, suggesting that idea. "And maybe then we'd be able to find out what this ship really is, or even who owns it, or maybe some other stuff."

"Or some food..." The Sergeant laid a hand on the general area of where it's stomach would be. At that moment Dax realized that he too felt the need for nutrients.

"There might be some food packs on the shuttle I arrived in. I can look if you want, but I'll need a light source. It seems that the shuttle isn't working that properly, so." He explained, and looked over to where all of the Artemisian soldiers gathered.

"They're not going to be a problem, are they? I don't really want to continue the war here when we've only just begun to learn about each other." Dax continued, wary of the new visitors. He quickly scanned the group for any signs of injuries or any way he could quickly gain trust or respect and saw that one of the soldiers had a bad shoulder. Dax made his way, carefully towards her and smiled his best friendly smile and introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Dax. Doctor Dax Kind, to be exact. Do you need assistance with your shoulder?"

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