Doctor Kind

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LAST: Kind / FIRST: Dax / M: Alezekke
PLANET: Apollo

AGE: 26
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 7'0" / 289 lbs
WEAPON: Psionic Shredder; gun that upon impacts emits a psionic pulse throughout the ship causing both internal structure and long-term damage to living cell tissue
CITIZEN EMPLOYMENT: Class One; (Mostly Military) General Health, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon, and Anaesthetist. Dax checks up on soldier's well being and health, and usually is sent to calm and speak to people who are having a rough time, etc, adjusting to the war. Even though he is military he occasionally gets civilian patients as well. When a soldier or civilian is horrifically injured in a freak accident, Dax's job is to repair and reconstruct their body and bones to perfection, he also restores skin and bones, etc so they are scarless. This type of treatment is usually only paid for by class ones and performed on class ones. As an anaesthetist, he helps relax and prepare people for surgery by putting them under a combination of a sleep gas and industrial strength painkillers.

CITIZEN NOTES: Dax has a certain motion and aura about him that calm people. Although, when he's in a less professional state of being, he can become slightly arrogant and unmistakably like his the man who fathered him. Dax is clean-cut and respectable in his practice and as a basic human being. Growing up, there was no other children in the house, so it forced him to become social and embrace his inner social butterfly. He is exceptionally soothing and well mannered around people who are in distress, which made him an exceptionally great doctor among many in the military

When Dax was young, he always was on the move. It was either running to his friends house or shaking his leg, whatever he was doing, he was doing something. He spent a long time with the man who fathered him, Andrew Ryan. He was a very successful businessman and doctor who was awarded for his prototypes and studies in neurology which he discovered with his partner, Frank Fontaine, how to command things like fire and electricity, but they both died suddenly before anything could be released and tested.

Upon so much time spent with Mr. Fontaine and Andrew Ryan, Dax inherited some of their lesser personality traits such as arrogance and petty behavioral issues. But, in all, Dax is a calming, kind guy. The perfect combination of mutation and true biological order. When at work, he is well behaved, contained, and aware of himself and others. His soft composure and deep voice are soothing to people who are in distress and pain. His state of being and whole bodily motion also help people relax around him for those people who have anxieties around doctors. When at home and around friends he is freer and is all about fun and games and loves being the life of the party.

Dax had been created by Andrew Ryan so he could take up his studies when he was older, but Andrew Ryan made a rather large mistake when he actually used his own DNA that was hard-engineered to be a scientist. Since Dax was also made to be a Doctor and everything worked out smoothly, Dax became the perfect mutt. At times though, because of these conflicts, Dax can appear to be not quite human.

When Dax was young, he was raised around bad habits, and he even witnessed those personally. Andrew Ryan wasn't much of the man that he appeared to be to the public. He often tended to his child drunk and with violence. Sometimes, even Frank Fontaine would go along and Dax would appear the next day with serious bruises. But Dax was a good child and did everything he was told, and focused on his studies. It was the only way he could escape, really.

As a young teen, Dax began to become rebellious and less interested in his studies, so he never really showed promise to any of the jobs. Andrew worried that he would sink down to the very lowest class and thought to take the problem into his own hands. The next day, both Ryan and Fontaine were found in their lab, dead, in an embarrassing state. No one knows what happened.

Throughout his life, Dax used his natural instincts to sew and heal his wounds. By the time his job came around, he had so many years of practice he barely needed to be trained. And since Dax learned to keep a calm, contained composure; he turned out to be a great doctor. Often being able to soothe even the most stressed and uptight person. Thus, earning the nickname "The Witch Doctor" from his co-workers. But at times he indulged in the scientist side of him and combining the two skills, one of his creations was his weapon, the psionic shredder.

Ⅰ. Dax tends to seem normal but has slight "errors" in the way he does things, and so seeing such action one can feel unsettled.
Ⅱ. The topic of his father and Frank Fontaine are not good topics to speak to him about.
Ⅲ. Dax tends to let his mind wander so when speaking to him for a prolonged period of time could be frustrating on certain days.
Ⅳ. Dax was taken up on the surface before by one of his father's assistants and ever since he left he's wanted to go back.
Ⅴ. Dax has seen a soldier of Artemis without their complete skinsuit on, and he's been very curious of who they're fighting.
Ⅵ. Sometimes, for a split second, you can see straight through the pile of shits and giggles straight to the crazy.
Ⅶ. Dax tends to be like two different people most of the time.
Ⅷ. He aspires to create children, but fears that one day his genetics will fail and create a child destined for failure like he almost was.
Ⅸ. His competitiveness is almost as lethal as his charm.
Ⅹ. He tends to talk to himself. A lot.

Act I.
It was amazing how clean cut the debris went through this guy's leg. It was even so hot from the blast that it also cauterized the wound as well. Dax was just absolutely amazed with it that he took a bit of time to compose himself once more. He first put the screaming male under an anesthesia-induced sleep, and then tended to the wound with bandages and ointment. He then injected into the soldier's blood stream a strong painkiller for when he woke up. Suddenly, the whole ship shuddered and a loud alarm began to blare. Two soldiers walked in the room and the one closest to Dax began to speak.

"Doctor Kind?" He asked.

"Yes?" Dax answered.

"We need to get you off the ship, sir. If you please step out into the hall, we'll escort you to your designated shuttle."

"Just let me finish up with this patient." Dax stated, not really caring if his life was in grave danger. He then injected into the patient's thigh a series of muscle relaxers and numbing medicines to help his body adjust to the change while he was asleep. Then, he grabbed a few necessities such as clean bandages, stitching supplies, and most things a person would find in a first aid kit and put them in a small bag. Holding it up, he shook it, while smiling at the soldiers.

"In case anything bad happens and I have to stitch my legs back on." He joked. When the soldiers didn't laugh, he turned and walked out of the room and down the hallway. They took him to a small loading bay where an assortment of light escape shuttles and escape pods were docked; there they showed him his, explained the basics and then launched him away from all of the chaos of the current battle. There, the shuttle idled for a while, and Dax wondered why he wasn't moving. And then he noticed that nothing was responding. Furrowing his eyebrows, he pondered aloud.

"That's new."

Everything was quiet for a while, and occasionally the shuttle would let out a small creak of shifting weight. One of the monitors that was still on was displaying an image of what was happening outside. From there, Dax watched as a wormhole began to suck the war into it. Some ships on the outskirts made it away, and others didn't. But as the ships and the black hole beginning to get more defined and eventually bigger, Dax realized that he, too was going to disappear into the wormhole.

Atleast I won't be alone, Dax thought. Although if that's a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know just yet. He added after watching a bright green Artemesian craft float into the void.
Then, everything sped up like someone had just hit the fast-forward button on the VCR. It was like something you'd imagine after dropping into the top of a tornado. You swirl around the top, and then as you go down you go a lot faster until the boomerang effect takes place and you're shot somewhere on the land. Except, this was space and his shuttle wasn't working properly, so firstly, who knows how much more oxygen he had available and where he would land. A sudden jerk forward and his head hit the hard cushion behind him and he was knocked out.

When he awoke, his eyes had to adjust because of the darkness. He felt around for a little while and then turned on the monitor. That was helpful, since all he could see in the vast land of darkness was darkness and darker darkness. But he could make out that the ship wasn't moving and he landed somewhere. It looked like another loading bay. The dim light that the screen gave off was helpful to where he could find the door. As a doctor and not a soldier, he was only wearing a skin suit, so he turned on the oxygen before pushing open the door and tumbling out of it.

He was right, he was on a loading dock, and apparently from the two Artemesian guns in his face, it was inhabited.

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