In a galaxy far, far away..

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Our story begins at the climax of the Battle of The Matroxas Web, an ancient expanse of asteroids between Apollo and Artemis. As the two fleets converged on each other for battle, a massive wormhole erupted in the middle of the fight. Ships from both sides were swallowed up, spiraling end over end in a mad tempest of collisions against anything and everything within the anomaly, only to be spewed out somewhere else. Now, their ships mostly crippled and unable to sustain their crews, the only hope for survival is the appearance of an alien ship off their starboard side.

The vessel is unlike anything either world has seen, floating listlessly in the empty void they have been cast into. The Apollo soldiers came aboard first, followed by numerous Artemis  soldiers ujder command by high-ranking Officer Ukobach, and now both groups are experiencing what might be a temporary armistice while they acclimate to their surroundings. Currently, they are treating the wounded, and just starting to realize how different the two races really aren't.

The alien ship shows considerable signs of looting, with all of the control panels and fixtures in the cargo bay stripped down to bare wiring. Amazingly, some of the basic ship functions appear to be working, and now the docking web that brought the crippled ships aboard stands a chance of killing them all by fulfilling its basic function. They must find a way to access the ship's systems.

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