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The year is 3077, and for the past forty years, the people of the planet Apollo have been locked in a war with the people of the planet Artemis. While both sides are familiar with the legends that, many years ago both worlds were settled by refugees from the same dying planet, not one member of either planet has actually seen the other outside of an environmental suit. All either race has to go on are generations of violent and unsettling mainstream propoganda, which has been enough to keep a fire burning with hatred.

But the war itself is very real. Both societies rely on The Gaea for survival; a massive crystal of extraterrestrial origin, The Gaea facilitates life itself for both alien worlds. The crystal generates the energy necessary to run the entire civilization on each planet; it's radiation causes plant life to grow healthy and strong in the most adverse of environments. Apollo's Gaea is red, while Artemis's is blue, and neither world would have survived but for the discovery of this remarkable crystal.

But The Gaea is dying, its vital charge weakening, and the life it spawns wasting away. Scientists have been laboring endlessly, desperate for answers to the plight of their alien lifesource, only to discover some disturbing truths; The red Gaea's rigid edges fit with the blue Gaea's. The opposing sides are two halves of the same whole, and only by joining the red and blue crystals will balance be restored, and the Gaea' power replenished. The Gaea, originally, was the life source of New Eden, the space station from which both societies would spring; the overly logical ancestors divided the crystal in half, sending it along with each sex on their way to start anew.

Which brings us to the great question of the war itself: What world has the right to keep the Gaea?

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