Chapter 9 Hospital

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Hospital with a side of Drama

I scream out "BRI, JOHAN come in here quick"
They run into my room "WHAT'S WRONG ARE YOU AND THE BABY OKAY?!" Bri said, as my eyes are filled with tears and my heart is in the pit of my stomach. "NO! DREW GOT INTO A SERIOUS CAR ACCIDENT AND HE'S IN CRITICAL CONDITION THE DOCTORS JUST CALLED ME" I yelled at them.
"Don't panic, it's not going to help you ,the baby, or Drew. Let's go to the hospital" Bri said.
I rush out of bed, Bri is already dress. I ask Johan to stay with Montana since it's so early in the morning. Me and Bri rushes to her car, I'm in the car saying my prayers. My legs are shaking so fast Bri had to squeeze my thigh to calm me down.
We finally get to the hospital and my nerves are shot I'm a reck, I felt like that was the longest ride of my life.
I get to the front desk "I'm looking for Drew Hue he's been in a car accident and the doctor called me I'm his next of ken."
The lady points down the hall. I speak to the nurse and they show me to Drews room, he looks so bad I stand in the door way shocked by the sight.
The doctor rushes over to me "Hello you must be Ms. Jones, I'm Doctor Harris I'm on Drew services. He's been in a very bad car accident, he has a serious concussion, neck strain the reason why he has a neck brace on. He has 6 broken ribs. Also back injury which is a strain and lastly he has face injuries, as you can see the face is swollen and bruised. He's stable now but so far from out of the woods. I know this isn't the time but a woman came in with Drew and she's demanding to see him, but she's not family or next of Ken so I told her she have to wait till you come."
As he speaking I'm not hearing a damn thing, with my eyes on Drew and my thoughts a million miles away, all I manage to get out was "who did this" the doctor points me to the police.
"Hello I'm Drews next of ken the doctor told me to come to y'all for answers on what happened to him."
"Yes I'm police officer Darrel and this is my partner officer Darren we was both assigned to Mr.Hue cast. When we was called on the scene this witness told me everything that happened" he weaves over to this tall white lady. She looks a little older than me. She has long blonde hair, ice blue eyes and small lips with large breast with an average sized butt. She's beautiful, she has on all white like she's a damn angel. I already have my guard up not knowing who this lady is and what her connection to Drew is.
"Hello I'm Tiffany Harper, I was with Drew when the car accident happened, but no one won't tell me anything because I'm not family."

"Then who are you, because I'm confused too? and why was you with Drew when this happened?"

"I'm Drew girlfriend from Canada, I came to New York to surprise him. We met up a day ago, catching up and spending time together you know normal stuff. Then when he dropped me at the hotel got back into his car and started to drive off, another car comes down speeding and hit Drew. I run to the car and see Drew not responsive I get scared and call the cops and now we're here."
Drews girlfriend that's why he didn't answer me he was with another woman and got into an accident. I feel so sick to my stomach I want to punch the shit out of this bitch. That means she saw my text messages and calls to Drew and didn't answer me. I'm so pissed right now and I guess Bri sees it because she comes running to me,she was with Drew. She squeezes my hands to let me know it's okay.
"Well thank you Tiffany for being here but I've got this now, I'm his next of Ken so I really don't see any reason you're still here. You can go back to your hotel and I'll take down your number if anything changes with Drew."
"I have to stay, I'm Drew fiancée I think when Drew wakes which he will he's going to want to see me. If it's okay with you I will like to stay, plus the police might still need me for some more witness stuff"
She flashes her big diamond in my face to show me who already won this war of Drews heart. I can't believe he didn't tell me that he was going to marry this bitch, wait till he wakes up I'm going to kill him. All these emotions running through my mind my heart is completely in my shoes. Drew is severely hurt and now I have to deal with his ex fiancée. Which I'm not sure if that's even his ex anymore, since I haven't spoken to him in over a day.
"Drew told me about you and how you took advantage of him, you're disgusting and I don't want you anywhere near him if I have anything to do about."
"Ladies please calm down the arguing isn't helping Drew or his case Ms. Jones and Ms. Harper please stop, this is the hospital and I really don't want to arrest either of you for misconduct. Back to Drew shall we, like Ms.Harper said he's been in a car accident the driver was speeding and he was drunk. He's also in the hospital and in critical condition, we're hoping for the best for both Drew and the suspect. I will be in contact Ms. Jones but for right now that's all we have."
When he said drunk driver me and Britt just looks at each other, why does this stuff happen to us. That news hit us like we've just been shot, our mom died because of a drunken driver. It was crazy Sapphire died in 2010 and our mom died 2011. Those were two hard years for me and Bri, two major deaths. We haven't talked about our mom since she died. I don't think we both fully mourned the lost of our family. Hearing Drew got hit by a drunken driver brings back so many memories and feelings we thought never would come up again. We're in the midst of a hospital hallway crying and hugging each other, we both felt like the weight of world has been lifted off our shoulders. We've never mourned our mom death together, we're so close but that's one thing we haven't shared and I think this cry made us that much closer.
We stay in the hospital all day me Bri and Tiffany wanting to see if there would be any change with Drew, I guess that was optimistic of us to think something would change in just a day. Tiffany tells me she's going back to the hotel to get some sleep decent food and a shower. She gives me her number so I can inform her on Drews progress. I can't blame her we almost been in the hospital for 24 hours just staring a Drew.
I talk to the doctor to tell him I'll be back I just need some rest, me and Britt leaves and head home.
When we get home Johan and Montana meet us at the door they both are looking at us for information. I tell them what happened, they try to get me to eat but everything I eat comes back up. I take me and Montana to bed, Bri and Johan goes on their side of the house and told me if I need anything just holler.

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