Chapter 23 Tell ALL

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A picture of Collin above.

After Justin got punched in the face he stormed in his car yelling Shelby you'll regret this. "I dare him to touch you and see what happens to him if he does." How can Collin just defend my honor after leaving me for a month with no sign of what happened. "That's just like you Collin come to save the day but you know what where THE FUCK WAS YOU WHEN I NEEDED YOU THE MOST! You left me at Brianna's wedding with nothing but a memory of you walking out on me after I said I was in love with you! A whole month I was left wondering what the fuck happened to you was you okay. Do you know how many times I called your phone and no fucking response. Now you want to show up like everything is good well no it's not Collin everything isn't fine and I don't need this shit. I don't need the secrets the lies or the disappearing acts. I'm leaving I do hope you'll be okay in whatever mixed up shit you're in." I look around and just remembered my ride went home 30 minutes ago, I walk in the street to catch a cab Collin follows me. "Shelby wait let me explain I know your mad, angry, and hurt but you have to believe me I stood away for your own good. I wouldn't know what to do if I found out the woman I'm in love with gets hurt because of me. Shelby please listen to me." I'm in the street still flagging a cab not caring that he just admitted he loved me too. With tears down my face I'm so angry I could punch him, but my mom always told me don't hit boys unless you're ready to get hit back. He comes in front of me looking me right in my face, trying to wipe my tears but I move my head before he can touch my face. " I don't need this Collin." He looks at me like he's hurt because he hurt me, he puts his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead. I don't have the energy to fight him because I want him, I want to be in his arms more than ever. "Let me take you home and if you want me leave I will but I will never give up on us Shelby I love you." I nod my head and he calls over one of the men to get the car so we can go home. He has me wrapped tight in the car not letting my hands or body go, we get in front of my building not wanting to leave his arms he lets me go. "Can I come up or do you want some time to process this night?" He stares at me with his big blue eyes wanting me to say come and of course I want him to come up. He tells his men to leave but be back here by 12:00pm tomorrow afternoon. We get in the elevator and its silent between us not letting go of each other hands but noting to say. We get in my house and Montana runs to me, she's warming up to Collin and Collin to her. Still not speaking I go in my room and take off my clothes, Collin stands in the doorway. "Shelby as bad as I want to fuck the shit out of you right now we need to talk, so I'll be in the living room and I'll wait for you to get settled in", I nod my head and hurry in the shower. I didn't take a long being that Collin in the living room waiting for me, I get out the shower lotion up and put some clothes on. Collin on the couch with Montana rubbing her, I come sit right next to Montana "you wanted to talk Collin?" He's staring at me I guess he doesn't know where to go from here or what to say. "Shelby I'm not the man you or your sister think I am, please let me talk no interrupting okay. When I saw you the night of Brianna opening honestly I looked at your body first and all I wanted to do was fuck. The things you heard my sister and her friend say was all true, I was player and all I wanted was your panties. But when I saw your dad grab you something in me wanted to protect you make sure you was good, that never happened to me before. I had plenty of woman and not once did I ever feel the need to protect them the way I need to protect you. When I saw you again at the restaurant and Drew and Chris was founding over you it made me upset like really angry and that's why I sat at the the table. Do you know how many people asked for that recipe to that chocolate cake and under no circumstances will I allow that recipe to leave my restaurant. But the minute you asked for it I rushed in the kitchen making sure the chef wrote down that recipe because all I want to do is give you everything you want and need. It scars me how much I want to love you and protect you. I would never let myself get close to woman and I'm 32. I don't know what it feels like to love or to be in love with a woman, when these emotions happened I was scared and confused. Days before Johan and Brianna wedding they asked me to be in the wedding because Johan real best man couldn't make it. I was on the fence about it because you haven't answered any of my calls prior to the wedding. I didn't know if you wanted to see me, but Brianna reassured me that you would love nothing more than to see me. The things you said at the wedding I feel it too I do love you I'm in love with you and that's scary for me. The night of the wedding I had to take an important call. You didn't hear from me because some very bad people is after my younger brother. Before I got my life together I was doing a lot of illegal shit. I won't tell you right now but in time you will know if you still want to. My brother is still in that life and the night of the wedding I got a call that my brother was in the hospital, I was on my way to see him when I got into a car crash which wasn't no accident. The men that put my brother in the hospital tired to do the same thing to me. They're mad that I'm not in that life anymore and they're even more mad that my bothers trying to leave that life. I got into it with one of their men and that's why I have bruise on my face and a broken arm. I rather you hate me than be in harms way because of me or my family. I couldn't contact you because I didn't want them to know I had a weakness. If they find out about you they will use you to get to me. But I couldn't take it anymore I needed to see that you was okay for myself, I had my men watching over you and they gave me daily reports but it wasn't enough. When I heard you was going out with another guy I couldn't just stand there and let the love of my life be taking from me. When I saw you with the guy kissing him it mad me so angry and that's why I was there tonight. " I look at Collin couldn't believe all the words that's coming out of his mouth, I knew he had secrets I knew he was mysterious but I didn't know it went this far. I don't know if can stay with someone like this but the truth is I'm in love with this man. "I'm in love with you Collin and even though I don't trust that its over I trust you and I want to be with you. But you can't lie or shut me out if we're going to do this we have to be honest. I'm scared of losing you and I don't know what I'll do if I did lose you." He pulls me closer to him and I lay on his chest with tears down my eyes. I wouldn't know what to do if something were to happen to him. I'm more worried of his safety than I am of my own. Right now I don't want to talk I just want him. I climb on top of him and kiss him. He slides of the couch and picks me up, I don't want to hurt his arm even more than it is. I wrap my legs around him and my arms around his neck he takes me in my room and lay me down. Still tears coming down my face I can't stop them. He takes off my pants and starts to kiss my legs all the way until he gets to my inner thighs, love bits and kisses as he get closer to her. Before he makes his way to her he asks me does I have anything he can tie my hands with, I point to the closet door for him to look in there for my scarfs. When he comes back he has this bright red scarf in his hands "this will do just fine Ms. Jones" I don't know why it turns me on when he calls me by my last name but it does. Before he ties my hands to the bedpost he takes off my shirt and bra, now I'm completely naked in front of him which makes me even more nervous. "Don't be nervous Ms. Jones you have an amazing body that I can't wait to explore" those words give me shivers down my spine. My hands are now tied to the bedpost, he tells me he'll be right back. I'm wondering what the hell is he doing everything we need should be in my bedroom. He comes back in the room with a bowl of vanilla ice cream, as he sucking the ice cram from the spoon, I look at his ice blue eyes that's lightening up my room in the midst of this darkness. He comes over to me and starts kissing me with his mouth full of ice cream I couldn't get enough I wanted him and I wanted him now "relax Ms. Jones we have all night." He spills the ice cream all over my body from my breast to my vagina, the ice cream is so cold. He takes off all his clothes and now he's naked in front of me and what a sight it is. He spreads my legs and get in the middle of them, he climbs up to my lips and kiss me once again. He kisses and sucks on my neck making his way down to my breast where the ice creams is just dripping of off them onto the sheets. He sucks each breast with a mouth full of ice cream, with the coldness of the ice cream and the warmth of his mouth it's a sensual feeling. He didn't leave a spot of ice cream on my breast. He's making his way down to my stomach licking and sucking each spot that has ice cream on it. He heads down to her and all the ice cream is just laying and dripping in between my vagina. He kisses me lightly, my nipples are peak and so aroused. He starts to lick my clit slowly making sure he gets each drip of ice cream "OMG! Collin" the speed becomes more aggressively not letting up he's sucking the soul of my clit "YES COLLIN LIKE THAT DON'T STOP DON'T MOVE, FUCK JUST LIKE THAT" He looks up at me so pleased. He continue to stuck my clit while he's enters two fingers inside of me. The rhythm from his tongue coincides with the pace of his fingers, at this point he's finger fucking me hard and fast "AHHH FUCK I'M GOING TO CUM" I can't take the pleasure that he's causing right now. "SHELBY YOU WILL NOT CUM UNLESS YOU'RE TOLD TO, IF YOU CUM BEFORE I ALLOW YOU TO IT WILL BE CONSEQUENCES. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME." Honestly this is the first time that I'm really being submissive to any one in bed. But something about Collin makes me want to be submissive makes me want to listen to his every command. "Yes I understand", he continues to suck and finger fuck me I don't know how much longer I will be able to last like this. Holding my cum in is becoming unbearable, "Collin I can't take it anymore I have to cum" he looks up to me and decides he's not ready for me to cum yet "not yet I'm not done with you." The more he sucks my clit and finger fuck me the harder it is for me not to cum. Right on his fingers and in his mouth I couldn't take it anymore "AHHH FUCKKKK I'M CUMMING COLLIN." He takes all my cum and swallows it "I didn't say you can cum yet did I?" At this point I'm to aroused and nervous to answer his question. He unties my hands and I rush over to his face wanting to suck his lips and his penis but before I can actually touch him he stops me. "I want you on all fours now with your hands behinds your back fold them" I do as he say and get on all fours with my hands behind my back, he takes the red scarf and ties my hands together not so tight but tight enough that I can't get out. "Didn't I tell you not to cum unless I told you too? And didn't I tell you there will be consequences if you cum before you're told?" The minute I answer him is when I feel a slap on my ass "AHH COLLIN" it was pleasure and pain all at the same time. He slaps me again on my ass this time the slap was harder but still pleasurable, the more he slapped my ass the more I got aroused. He starts to eat me from the back but still slapping my ass the last slap was the hardest but the most pleasurable one. He stops eating me and he slides his penis into me "FUCKKKK" I feel all of him in me at once. He goes in and out in and out faster and faster each time, both our breathing starts to pick up letting us know it's almost time. He's fucking me hard and rough each time I moan out and so does he. Filling me up every inch of him, the pace starts to slow down "SHIT SHELBY I'M ABOUT TO CUM" he whispers in my ear "I want to cum inside you." For some reason I wanted him to cum inside me I wanted him to fill me up "yes baby anything for you." He's about to reach the mountain top when he shoots and scores all inside me, we both yell out and lay on the bed. This was an overdue fuck and somehow I feel like those spankings I got wasn't just for me cumming but for me kissing another guy tonight. We both lay in my bed naked I dig in my draw next by bed and take a plan B pill, Collin goes to get me some water from the kitchen. "Did I spank you to hard baby?" He looks at me with curiosity, I can tell he doesn't want to hurt me in any way. "It was great pleasure mixed with pain I loved it" he lays next to me and kisses me with force "okay good I never want to hurt you I love you Shelby, thank you for tonight." I come closer to him and he wraps me in his arms letting the darkness take over in the midst of our light.

The next morning.

I wake up to an empty bed and I immediately start to panic Collin isn't in my bed, I get up and go to the bathroom to check if he's in the shower he's not here. I brush my teeth and put my robe on since I'm naked, I go into the living room and no sign of him I start to get scared replaying all the words he told me from last night. I get my phone and call his cell phone, the cell phone is here but Collin isn't. I sit on the couch to calm myself down me being this anxious isn't going to help anyone. 20 minutes later I get a knock at my door and its Collin with food and a dozen of roses, "you scared the shit out of me Collin why didn't you wake me up? I thought something happened to you." He puts down the food and roses on the kitchen table "Shelby I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just wanted to surprise you with breakfast and roses since you was such a good girl last night." I need to calm the fuck down everything will be fine Collin been in this lifestyle long and he knows when he's good. "Sorry baby last night was amazing I loved every part of you. I'm sorry for bugging out I'll do better." He kisses me on my lips and fix us a plate of food pancakes, eggs and bacon on both plates with orange juice. We watch tv and had a nice quite day in the house, we literally talked about everything from sun up to sun down. Plus he gave me some good loving what more could I ask for. Later that night me and Collin go to bed its been such a great day honestly I love being under him and I think he loves being under me. I hear a loud knock at my door it sounds angry and panicky. I climb out of bed and Collin comes with me "get behind me Shelby I have no idea who's banging on your door this loud and this late" I do as he says. The banging gets louder and louder as we get closer to the door. Collin asks who it is but no one answers when I open the door, I see Blake and Yasmine in front of my door with ripped clothes and messy makeup. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YALL?"

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