"Where are we?" Daniella asked. 

"Near home." 

She nodded. It made sense. 

"They call this place Diliges." 

"I know. What am I doing here?" 

The man turned, his blue eyes filled with everything. 

"To know. I won't tell you what you already know. But tell me what you do know." 

"Everything," she replied. "I am not alive. I'm almost home. But I have a choice. He gave me the choice. You lived in the physical world, and died because He made it so. I died because He made it so. I have lived, but my work isn't finished," the voice she adopted changed to a more curious tone. "Who were you when you were alive?"

The man, now smiling greatly, folded his arms behind him. "My name was Charles Xavier."

Understanding, Daniella gazed off into the distance. 

"There is a greater path for you my dear. Much greater. And sometimes, the greater things in life are not always the most significant."

"What do you mean?"

His blue eyes grazed hers for a fraction. "Your destiny may not be what you expect, but it surely is your destiny. Much like mine was," he returned his gaze to the sea. "I made it my life to make it so people would be accepted. That someone understood them, and that they were not alone. Despite all the good I tried accomplishing, sometimes, my efforts did not have the results I had wished for."

He clicked his heels together and started to walk away. "Remember, to keep your eyes open. Sometimes the things that we can't see are the most obvious," he turned around, his kind face softening. "Remember, you are not weak. Any battle you fight that has been given to you, is one you can always overcome."

When he started to leave, he turned around, for possible the last time. "And, I should mention one thing."

"What is it?" Daniella asked. 

He paused for a moment. 

"Remember to listen." 

She nodded, and with that, a voice, creeping along, spoke. "Awake." 

Daniella felt as if she were being pulled. The sea around her started to thrash, the sky started to collapse. As she was being pulled through space and time, the last words of Charles Xavier echoed in her mind, accompanying her while she started to fade.


Logan landed on his side, the wind knocked out of him. The thugs standing above him spat at his quaking frame.

"Get outta here, you filthy ass."

Logan groaned, the kick to the stomach throbbing his bruised skin. "That's probably the last time I try to get a few free drinks around here."

He punched at the gravel, trying to control his anger. He wasn't about to let some petty blow to the stomach keep him from doing what was really important. Ororo was still missing, and the scent of her trail was still as dull as ever. It had been three days since he had started his quest. Three days and still he hadn't even managed to scratch the surface. His joints popped as he stood up, brushing the dirt off the stolen trench coat he was wearing. The sounds of the bar faded in his ears as he started to make his way to the edge of town.

Ororo's scent was to the east, mingling with the other smells of nature. Like metal, earth, blood and water. Her's was distinctive, however. An almost musky, sweet smell. Like lightning, rain and sunlight, all mixed into a daffodil like smell.

X-Men: Eternal Flight (Book Three) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now