>Chapter Forty-Six<

Start from the beginning

"Well, what are we standing around here for? We do have early admission don't we?"


It got really hot and sweaty really fast. Being in the front of general admissions meant we were also pressed against the barricade right in front of the stage. We also had nowhere to go, as everyone surged forward instead of leaving any room to breath.

Normally, I probably would've had a panic attack due to claustrophobia. But the feeling of Luke standing just behind me, allowing me to have about an inch or two between my ribs and the barricade, was comforting and familiar.

I think people have us at least enough room to breath since he had gone home to change into a black Nirvana muscle tee. That meant his tattoos were out and, though many people here had them, I think the combination of the large amount of ink on his skin and his towering stature intimidated the screaming girls and other young adults around us.

"You alright?" He bent down to half shout in my ear. The pre-concert music was pretty deafening, and I could still only barely hear him.

"Pfft. I've never been better," I grinned before quickly adding, "Well, almost never. You've made me pretty happy before," I winked.

"I'd hope," he laughed.

Soon, the show began and the lights went out. The crowd seemed to simultaneously erupt while they held their breath in anticipation for Tyler and Josh to appear onstage. There was a deafening sound as they began, the speakers so loud I felt my teeth rattle. I loved it all.

The performance flew by, over in what seemed like the blink of an eye. The crowd moshed just behind us, and Luke and I even joined in for about a song before it got a bit too crazy and claustrophobic. As the guys left the stage after the encore, the lights returned and it was all over.

Drenched in sweat and what felt like a layer of grime from the concrete ground and jumping people, I turned to Luke with an elated grin on my face.

"Best. Night. Ever," I whispered in his ear as I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. I hid my face in his shoulder as his warm arms circled my waist protectively.

"Me too," he murmured in reply. Our breathing was heavy in the now somewhat humid space, and my veins were still buzzing with excitement along with my ears from the volume. "Let's try to get out of here before it gets too difficult," he suggested before kissing my temple. I nodded and he took my hand in his before we started wading through the sea of people trying to exit.

Countless "excuse me"s and "sorry"s were muttered as we were jostled around. Several times I had gotten separated from Luke for a moment or two before we found one another again. Each time I was on the verge of panic just as his hand grasped mine once more.

As we were approaching the exit to the street, though, that was a different story.

It was getting particularly difficult to move forward and it seemed as though many people were moving back. I stumbled over a leg, regained my balance, then realized my hand was free of Luke's once again. I tried not to yell out for him, tried to take deep breaths and swallow my anxiety.

It didn't help as I was pushed backward sharply, causing my foot to slip from underneath me. I tumbled to the ground, lost in a sea of dark colored jeans and shoes that seemed to take on a new purpose: to trample me. I curled up instinctively, my mind blanking to everything but fear as the crowd jostled around me. Shoes came down on my hair, jerking my head around enough to bring tears to my eyes and practically set my scalp on fire with pain.

A pair of hands eased me to my feet, helping me stand when I was sure I never would. I turned around, hoping to find Luke, but it wasn't him. It was a tall girl about my age with shredded jeans and bright purple hair. She looked at me with concern as I tried to conjure a thought other than panic.

My breathing became quick and shallow, my heart going into overdrive. I felt like I was going to collapse, and honestly that's what I wanted to do. My lungs ached from the stuffy, sweaty air that surrounded me. The clamor dimmed to a low roar, and the girl who helped me up kept one hand on my shoulders as she guided me toward the exit.

It was slow, painful work, and my head still burned from all the people stepping on my hair, but eventually I was greeted by the blissfully cool, clean night air. I clutched my arms, leaning against the wall beside the door to catch my breath. I tried to let my lungs fill fully, but they still moved in short bursts of panic.

The girl stood in front of me, holding onto my shoulders with concern as she asked me questions I couldn't hear over the screaming in my head. I just needed Luke right now. I needed him and my mom and my bed and..... I needed everything that I didn't have right now.

I felt alone, suffocated, engulfed in fire that wasn't actually there. Once Luke found me and he had thanked the girl, I was exhausted yet more alert than I'd been in a long time. I still had trouble breathing, but now it wasn't in such shallow breaths. Now it just felt like I had something in front of my mouth and nose hindering my ability to get air in and out. Like I had something slowly suffocating me, wrapped around my neck.

But the only thing there when I checked my skin was my hair.


So.... I suck at trying to update. It's been over a week since I posted the last chapter on the 29th of November...... My new goal is to just finish this before New Year's........ I'm going to really try to get the next chapter up within the next two or three days though because it's really, really important. There's officially only four chapters (and the epilogue) left and I just....... I can't even. Thank you all for being such amazing and mindblowingly kind people. You really are the best readers I could ask for. Thank you for over 57,000 reads and over 1,000 votes and comments. You guys make this all worth it.

Just in case you didn't realize, Kara was having a panic attack at the end there. It was confusing (at least to write it was confusing), but since it's first person and she was having a panic attack that's why that happened. It's really confusing and scary to have one, and you know what I mean if you've ever had one. I just thought I'd clear that up in case anyone got lost.

I'm giving a shout out to the only person who knows what's gonna happen in the next chapter: jkervs1234 (no spoilers allowed so don't try to ask her what happens;p). She knows because I always talk to her about our stories, plus we give one another ideas/advice. Love you girly!! <3

Until the next chapter, stay beautiful and I love you all!!


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