"What was that about with your family?" I asked. "Nothing." he replied flatly. "Rock, I know it's not nothing. That was too dramatic to be nothing." I said firmly. He only took a glance at me and didn't say anything. "Urgh! You're so...difficult!" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry for not being your ideal man!"

Oh, trust me. You're forgiven.

We rode the rest of the way in silence. "You going yours or mine?" he asked suddenly. I crossed my arms. "Mine." I replied, not looking at him. If he wanted to be a weird and secretive, then so be it! "Fine." he mumbled and drove straight forward. It was a really uncomfortable silence as he gripped onto the wheel so hard that it was a wonder his knuckles didnt pop right out of his skin.

He pulled up to my driveway but he didnt cut off the engine and just looked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Thanks." I said coldly. Before he could reply, I got out the car and slammed the door. I walke round and got the sleeping JJ out and then staggered in my stupid heels to the front door.

I heard him roll down the passenger seat window "Have a goodnight, baby. Give JJ a kiss for me. I love you." He called. I blew him a limp kiss and he made a gret show of catching the kiss and placing it on his heart.

Hunter used to do that. But he put it on his lips which made him 10x hotter.

But I couldn't belive that after behaving like a total jerk throughout the whole car ride that he'd even have the audacity to even say 'I love you.'

The nerve of some people!

I stepped into my house and kicked off my shoes then brough JJ upstairs to my room, changed his diaper and then dress him in this little white sleeping suit that Dani had given to him. I pushed his pacifier in his mouth gently and he slept. His mouth latched on to it and he made these cute sucking noises. I picked him up and then lay him in his cot, careful not to wake him up.

I stayed looking at him. He was sucha weird baby but in the most adroable way. His crawling speed shocked everyone, including myself. It was almost like he was supernatural or something.

I stroked his cheek gently. "I love you Jyson-Jay. My special angel." I whispered. I kissed his nose. "That kiss is from your mommy." I said. Then I kissed his cheek. "This is from yout Aunt Dani." Then his other cheek. "This is from Rocky." Then four on his small chin. "That's from your grandparents." Then I moved back up to his forehead and gave him the biggest kiss ever.

"This one is from your daddy. He doesn't know about you yet but I'm sure he would have loved you to bits." I whispered.

It was a wonder how JJ even manage to carry on sleeping through my crying.


At work I worked hard enough to not let anyone see that I was breaking down both emotionally and physically. Liam, my boss, wasn't in an especially good mood and made me do a million and one things all in one day.

Eva looked at me worreidly as I dashed to and fro with paperwork and coffees. "I'm sorry, sweetie. We've just been going through a rough patch. He shouldn't take it out on you." She said. But she didn't exactly do anything about it either.

"Rain? I'm gonna need you to stay behind for about an hour and a half, okay? I have this client whose case I just can't lose. So I need a lot of things doing." Liam said. A frown on his face as he tapped at his computer - just as I about to leave

My face fell. JJ's daycare closes in an hour. "B-but, I need to pick up JJ, sir." I said, almost begging him. Eva looked up from her computer then. Liam didn't look up. "Don't you have your boyfriend that can go pick him up?" He asked.

Eva looked at me hopefully. "Uhm..." I said, biting my lip. I hadn't spoken to Rocky since Saturday so I wasn't really up for asking him to go pick up JJ even though he would. "Look. Rain. I'm not asking you to stay. I'm telling you. Now go to the printer room to sort out the papers, please."

Eva frowned at him then. "But Liam her baby-" she started. Liam didn't even look at her. "Erm, could I quickly pick him up and bring him back, so then-" I started blabbing. Liam did look up then. "You've been working here for almost a year. I'm sure you realise that it's a Law Firm. Not a daycare centre. Now, the paperwork please."

I felt my heart physically drop. Since when was he so cold. Jheez.

Eva stood up suddenly and glared at Liam. "Now hold on, Liam! What's your problem?!" She yelled. "I do not pay her to babysit. She gets paid to be a secretary." Liam said calmly. Eva turned to me. "Go get your baby and come back. Go on." She said stubbornly£

I barely paused to say thankyou and rushed out. I had tears flowing from my eyes. Nothing ever went right for me. I got outside the Daycare and I thought I saw a car that seemed familiar. I shook it off and ran to the door, despite my heels.

One of the staff, Katie ,looked surprised as she opened the door. "Miss Meadows! What brings you here?" She asked. I stared at her. "To pick up JJ, why else?" I asked.Katie tilted her head. "You sent your boyfriend's family to pick him up?" She said, puzzled.

"What?" I gasped. I pushed past her and into the play room. I looked around widly and sure enough there was Rocky's parents and Ryriam. JJ was crawling at his amazing speed through their legs, whimpering like he was scared.

I watched as Rocky's dad made despreate attempts to grab JJ. "Why is he so damn fast?" Rocky's mom said, exasperated. Ryriam scratched her head as if she was in deep thougght. JJ looked around him, tears in his eyes, and spotted me. His speed turned up and he crawled amazingly over to my feet.

As he reached me and stopped. Rocky's dad grabbed him and picked him up. "Gotcha!" He said. I cleared my thoat and snatched JJ from Rocky's dad's arms. I didn't say anything to him as his mouth opened and shut like a goldfish.

I held my baby close. I didn't have clue what they were going to do with JJ and frankly, I was way too angry to find out. Ryriam and her mom looked guilty as anything. I narrowed my eyes at them as a warning and kept my baby even closer.

He snivlled into my chest after all that crying. I pushed past Rocky's dad angrily and stomped out. I strapped JJ in carefully even though he was still crying.

I sat behind the wheel and dialled Rocky's number.

There was no way that this realationship was going to work out.

A/N: hey so here's another chapter! :D got 3 months off school so I've got quite a lotta time :L

Anyhoo, if you have any stories or people to reccommed, feel free to message me! I alsways fan back so ya.

Btw, this was written on my CrapBerry so sorry if it's not long or has a million and one mistakes ahahah

Peace, Love & Cookies :)

Our Little Boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن