Nov. 28: Hollie

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Violet invited me to spend the day with her.

"How was your week?  What did you do," Violet asked after spending half an hour ranting about how in love she was with Cody.

"It was good.  My grandma and grandpa came for Thanksgiving," I said, "and I hung out with Bradley on Friday."

"Bradley Pack," Violet began to freak out, "oh my gosh! Does he like you? Do you like him? What did you do? I need details!"

"Calm down, Vi," I said, "we just hung out. We're just friends. I promise."

"Well, as long as I'm your best friend," she said.

But I'm not hers.
She has Nina.

Later on in the night, Violet made me take a rather ridiculous selfie with her to post on Instagram.   We made "funny faces", which meant Violet was sticking out her tongue and I was choking because her dark hair had got in my mouth.

Her caption: This is Cait. She's my best friend and better half. P.S. She's single.

I laughed.
This was what I like about Violet.
Everything in her life was fun.
She didn't feel a need to be serious.
Her life wasn't depressing.

A while later someone commented on our photo.

hollie3.1415926: You guys are so cute!  It makes me wish I had a bestie.  #friendshipgoals

I decided to write her a letter.

Will you please try and make it to my funeral?  It will be near the end of December of this year.

R.S.V.P. to my mother.


P.S. Thank you for your comment!  Vi's a great friend.  I hope you can find a friend like her.

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