Nov. 24: Samson

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Thanksgiving break started
and the Widow Hodson is going out of town.

That means I am in charge of watching her dog Samson.

Samson or the son of Sam was a mutt.
The Widow Hodson used to have a gorgeous yellow lab named Sam.
(It was short for Samantha)
She ended up having puppies in her old age and one was Samson.

We didn't know what breed of dog Samson's dad was.
But I had some guesses
Like Newfoundland or St. Bernard
Because Samson was huge.

The Widow made me walk him everyday.
As I walked him he got away.

I chased him all throughout the neighborhood
Screaming "Samson"
Like a mad woman.

When I found him,
He was getting his tummy rubbed by none other than Bradley Pack.

"Fancy seeing you, Cait," he winked.

"Thanks for watching Samson," I grabbed Samson's leash from Bradley.

"You know since I did a favor for you,
You have to do something for me,"
Bradley said.

"Sure," I rolled my eyes and walked Samson home.

Will you please try and make it to my funeral?  It will be near the end of December of this year.

R.S.V.P. to my mother.


P.S. I will solve the mystery of what dog breed you are! Even if it's the last thing I do.

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