Nov. 17: Lawrence

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"Miss Ellis, would you make sure Lawrence gets the notes from you?  He's been gone for a while and without your notes to study, he may not pass the class," Mr. VanOrden, my science teacher, asked me.

Before he said something, I hadn't even thought much about Lawrence's absence.

Lawrence Gillins was Bradley Pack's best friend. 

He was also my lab partner and our grade's class clown.

After school I asked Bradley if he could take the notes to Lawrence.

Bradley told me to take the notes to Lawrence myself.

I told him I didn't know where Lawrence lives.

Bradley told me he'd drive me there.

I didn't speak to him the whole drive.

Lawrence's mother answered the door.  She seemed so happy that Lawrence had a visitor.

I went in to see Lawrence.

He looked awful. 

We talked for a while.

He has cancer.

He might not make it to Christmas.

It made me sad to think that this 'class clown' who everyone seemed to love, who everyone thought was funny, was dying, and no one seemed to care.

It broke my heart.

I cried. 
I cried in front of Lawrence.
I cried in front of his mother.
I cried in Bradley's car as he drove me home.
I cried in my room once I was all alone.

I didn't cry because I was sad.
I cried because I felt guilty.

I felt guilty that I, who wanted to end my own life, was perfectly healthy, while Lawrence, who love life and lived everyday to the fullest, was dying.

I hated myself more than ever before.

I screamed.
I cried.
I hurt myself.
I wished I was already dead.

After I calmed down, I cried again. 
This time, I cried for Lawrence.

I cried because he was dying.
I cried because I would miss him.

I wrote him a letter, one that was drenched in tears.

Will you please try and make it to my funeral? It will be near the end of December of this year.

R.S.V.P. to my mother.


P.S. If I could give you my health I would. I would trade places with you in a heart beat. You don't deserve to die. I don't want you to die. Lawrence, don't die. Please, don't die. Don't die.

R.S.V.P.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ