Nov. 3: Violet

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I met Violet a long time ago. We were best friends. She was the person (after Bradley left) that I spent the most time with.

She never noticed though.

She never noticed how I had started to wear long sleeves. Or how I sometimes disappeared at lunch. Or how I never wanted to do anything on the weekend.

Even if she did notice.
She wouldn't care.
Our friendship was completely artificial.
Built on her jokes.
And my lies.

I sat next to Violet at lunch.
Not eating.

She wasn't talking to me.
She was texting.

I thought about asking her who she was talking to, but I already knew.

It was either Nina (her other best friend) or Cody (who was practically her boyfriend, even if she wouldn't admit it).

Eventually she put her phone down and looked at me.

"Are you okay, Cait," she asked me.
There was worry in her eyes.

"I'm fine," I faked a smile.

"Let's go out," she decided.

So we skipped our next hour and got milkshakes at Chik-fil-A.

They were good.

But even better was the talking.

We spoke for hours at that little booth we had parked ourselves in.

I found myself realizing how much I would miss her.

Even if she had other friends, and other things she cared about more than me.
It was nice to have one last time to be best friends before I'd be gone.

When we finally went back to school, the principal yelled at us.

We laughed.

He didn't think it was funny.

In detention, I decided to write her a letter.

Will you please try and make it to my funeral? It will be near the end of December of this year.

R.S.V.P. to my mother.


P.S. Nina and Cody are lucky to have you.

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