Nov. 16: Ms. Parker

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Today my homeroom teacher, Ms. Parker, couldn't stop smiling.

Honestly, it scared me a bit.

She'd been our homeroom teacher since freshman year.

She told us she had an announcement to make.

Her boyfriend of four years decided to propose. 

Everyone is excited.  All of the girls wouldn't stop squealing.

I joined in for a bit.

I'm happy for Ms. Parker.

She told us that the wedding will be sometime this summer.
She said we're all invited.

Of course I won't go.
It makes me a bit sad.

I decide I should write her a letter to let her know why I can't attend and to apologize for not going.

Ms. Parker,
Will you please try and make it to my funeral? It will be near the end of December of this year.

R.S.V.P. to my mother.


P.S. I'm sorry I can't make it to the wedding. I'm sure you'll be a beautiful bride.

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