The Party

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Rylee's POV:
We all arrived at the airport. I am so excited my heart is beating so hard. I'm hoping these 4 hours will go by fast. We grabbed all of our luggage and walked into the airport. We had to go through security so they could make sure that we weren't carrying around any weapons. Does a razor count as a weapon? Luckily they didn't catch it in my bag that I secretly brought. We were then given our tickets and walked to our plane number station. We walked into our plane and sat in our seats. Jack rented us a private plan. Thank goodness. But now I knew we weren't the only ones getting on the plan. Two men and a lady came on board. One of the men had light flat brown hair and tan skin. The other man had dark brown hair that was lightly sticking up and he had light blue eyes and his teeth kinda of pointed forward like a bunny's teeth and he had light tan skin. And the lady had long brown curly hair with white skin and she had light brown eyes. "I forgot to mention that Ryan, Odeya, and Dylan are coming on board with us." Jack whispered to me for he was sitting next to me and the boys were sitting behind us. "Why don't you and I switch seats so you can say hi to them?" Jack asked me. I nodded at Jack. We both then switched seats. I was sitting across on my right from the two men. "Hi there.." I softly greeted them. Not only them but the lady turned to me too. They all smiled at me. "I presume you are Jack's new daughter Rylee?" The man with flat brown hair asked me. "Yes sir I am." I told him. "Well I am Dylan Minnette." The man with light brown hair greeted me. He stuck his hand out for a handshake. I grabbed his hand and shook his hand as he shook back. "I am Ryan Lee." The man with the bunny like teeth greeted me. He stretched across Dylan to give me a handshake. I stretched forward so I can shake his hand and he shook back. "And I'm Odeya Rush." The lady with long brown curly hair greeted me from behind Ryan and Dylan. I stretched across again to give her a handshake and she shook back. "It's nice to meet y'all.." I told them softly. Luckily it's just us or they wouldn't be able to hear me. "It's nice to meet you too, Rylee." Dylan told me which made me smile. "I herd you got the role of the money didn't you?" Odeya asked me. I nodded. "Wow! That's cool!" Odeya exclaimed. "You excited?" Ryan asked me. I nodded again. "I betcha your nervous too aren't you?" Dylan asked me. "Yes." I softly told them. "Well that's alright. We are nervous too." Odeya told me. "Alright passengers we are about to take off so make sure you have your seat belts on and we will be at Atlanta, Georgia very soon." Our flight attendant told us through the microphone. We all then immediately putted our seat belts on. I could feel the plan starting and going forward. "First time on a plan?" Jack asked me. I nodded at him. "Well once we get up your ears will clog up so we hold our noses and blow our clogness out." Jack informed us. I nodded at him.

Once we were up high, I clogged my ears out and it kind of hurt but I felt fine. Everyone else is taking a nap but me. I've been on my computer watching Markiplier on YouTube. Thank goodness airplanes have free Wifi. In my opinion I think Odeya is beautiful. Yes I know she is too old for me but I know I'll find someone one day. I looked on my computer clock it read 3:20 p.m. We should be there anytime soon. "Alright everyone we will be at Atlanta, Georgia in about 30 minutes. We hope you enjoyed your flight." Our flight attendant said in the microphone which woke everyone up. I chuckled at it a little.

We all got off of the plane and went to the hotel we were staying at. Me, Jack's, and the boys apartment is 345 and Dylan's, Ryan's, and Odeya's apartment is 346 which its right next to us. We walked into the hotel with our luggage and we walked into our rooms. In about an hour we are going to have the party. Jack, the boys, and I are going to have each of our own beds. I set my stuff down on my side of the apartment. I am really excited to start acting.

It was 4:30 pm and Dylan, Ryan, and Odeya came over with approved drinks, cake, cupcakes, and other snacks. The cake read the word "Goosebumps." And had green and black frosting all over. The cake was ice cream cake with vanilla and chocolate flavored. The cupcakes were the same. They had rings on them. Some read "Goosebumps." And some had a picture of Slappy from the original 1993 book cover. The cupcakes were chocolate and vanilla flavored. The drinks Dylan, Ryan, and Odeya made were related to the Goosebumps series. They had green dyed punch and green dyed whip cream on there to relate to the 'Monster Blood' franchise. The other punch had brown looking gummy worms in there to relate to the book 'Go Eat Worms!'. Right now we are eating and drinking while having a Goosebumps series marathon. We were watching the episode 'Night of the Living Dummy ||'. I love watching the Night of the Living Dummy franchise. It's spooky and fun. We also brought the ventriloquist dummies that we had to play with.

Well I'm partied out. I ate a lot of junk and so did the others. Well it's like 11 pm and Dylan, Odeya, and Ryan went back to their apartment to rest for tomorrow since we have to be at the place we are going to shoot our first scene at! Jack tucked the boys in and is about to tuck me in since he is in the bathroom right now. These pillows and blankets at this hotel are so comfy! Jack then came from the bathroom. We sat next to me on my bed. We then said our prayer. "Dear lord, please bless us as Rylee was joined into our family. We hope to have a fun and safe time here. Please protect me and especially my precious daughter and sons as we are in a different town. Amen." Jack and I prayed. As you can tell we are a Christian family. (Please don't be offended if you aren't Christian). Jack then leaned in and kissed my forehead and told me Goodnight. I told him goodnight too. He let me leave the lamp on and he walked over to his bed and layed down in there. I then shutted my eyes as I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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