Day 2 Part 1

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Rylee's POV:
I woke up from a peaceful sleep. When I woke up, I stretched my arms and legs out. I pushed the leg part of the recliner chair down and walked over to the kitchen. When I did, I saw a note that wasn't there before on the kitchen table. It read:"Morning sweetie. To turn on the coffee maker you push the bottom button of the right once and it will start. Help yourself to any creamer you want. We have a big day today! Love you, Jack a.k.a Dad." I smiled at the note. I folded up the note and slipped it my pocket. I went over to the coffee maker and pressed the button to start it. While it was making the coffee, I decided to play with the Slappy ventriloquist dummies. Thomas and Samuel told me that I can play with the ventriloquist dummies anytime I want to. After about 10 minutes, the coffee maker beeped which meant that it was done. I went over to the coffee maker and poured myself some coffee. I then opened the fridge but it was quickly shut by itself. I looked over and it was Angela. With a grimaced look on her face. "What do you think your doing?" She asked me furiously. "Oh uh well J-Jack said that I can help myself to any creamer I want.." I stuttered. "Well I'm going to choose a creamer for you!" Angela told me. "What is it called..?" I asked her. "The 'Head Creamer'!" She exclaimed. She then took a creamer out of the fridge and poured it all over me. Then she took the coffee mug from the coffee maker and poured all of the coffee all over me. "Ouch! It's freakin' hot!!" I screamed. "Boohoo! 'It's hot!' Deal with it bitch." Angela told me as she kicked my hip bone. I then looked up and saw Samuel and Thomas.. They witnessed what their mom did their new sister. They looked at me, then their mom, who was casually making more coffee like she did nothing wrong, and back at me. Then they ran from here to..Jack's room. I herd them calling Jack's name over and over again. Trying to wake him up. I then herd Jack jump from his bed and run from his room and into the kitchen. In his red and white stripped night gown. And he looked at me. In shock. "Morning honey." Angela greeted Jack like she did nothing wrong. I kept cluching myself in pain. This hot coffee was still stinging me. "What have you done to her?" Jack immediately asked Angela, not even greeting her. "What do you mean?" She asked Jack. "Thomas and Samuel told me everything. And they don't lie. Well at least nothing about this." Jack told Angela. "I never wanted a daughter in the first place!!" Angela screeched. Then she poured her hot cup of coffee on me. I swear I'm going to get third degree burn from this coffee. Angela then stomped away from the kitchen and out of the house. I herd her start her car and drive off. "Thomas. Samuel. Get her a new shirt, pants, and awkwardly, a new pair of underwear." Jack told Thomas and Samuel. "At this moment dad, it's not awkward." Thomas told Jack and they ran off into my room. "You don't mind them in your room?" Jack asked me. "Just as long as they don't go through my personal stuff." I told him. "Hey boys! Don't go through her stuff!" Jack called out to Samuel and Thomas. They both said:"Okay!" "Come on to the bathroom." Jack told me as he helped me up and walked me to the bathroom. Jack took a towel and started drying me off. "Are you okay?" Jack asked me. I nodded at him.

Thomas's POV:
"So what kind of shirt do you want to grab her?" Samuel asked me. "I don't know. What does she have?" I asked Samuel. We went through her bag and we found a Goosebumps 1993 Night of the Living Dummy book cover t-shirt she had. "Let's give her this shirt." Samuel suggested as I held up the shirt. "I agree." I told Samuel. We then found soft pj pants that had the "G" from the Goosebumps logo all over. "Let's give her these pants, too." I told Samuel and he nodded with agreement. We then grabbed her a random pair of underwear. But something else caught my eye. A piece of metal. Sharp metal. I picked it up and Samuel scooted closer to me. "This is the piece of metal that dad told us about." Samuel told me. "Yes. He told us that whoever has this piece of metal cuts their skin because they have depression." I mumbled. I can't believe it. Rylee has depression.

Rylee's POV:
I'm nervous. I'm afraid that Samuel and Thomas would find my razor. I hope they don't. "Dad we have her pair of clothes." I herd Thomas say as he knocked on the bathroom door. Jack opened it and he got my clothes from the boys. They walked off to give us privacy. "I'll give you your privacy. Let me know if you need anything sweetie." Jack told me. "Ok. Thank you, dad." I told Jack. I then saw Jack shed a tear and smile at me. I gave Jack a big bear hug and he hugged back. And he planted a small kiss on my forehead. He then smiled at me again and walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him, so I can get dressed.

I got dressed into my clothes that Samuel and Thomas picked out for me. And I'll say that they did a good job on picking. I walked out with my dry clothes on and found the boys and Jack watching 'Night of the Living Dummy ' from the Goosebumps tv show. I sat down next to Jack and joined in watching it. While watching it, me and Jack said that we are just going to the store in our pjs because who the hell gives a damn ? No one! That's right! Thomas and Samuel then introduced me to a Youtuber named Markiplier. He is so freakin hilarious! I want to meet him so badly.

After about an hour or so, we stopped watching Markiplier so we could go shopping for my room. I have huge feeling that Jack is going to spoil me. But oh well. We are still going in our pjs. Well Jack decided to change cause he said that he would embarrass us. Even though me, Samuel, and Thomas insisted he still changed clothes. He changed into a blue and white dotted button up shirt with blue jeans and black tennis shoes. He also brushed his hair down. I have seen Jack with short hair in Gulliver's Travels so I prefer him with longish hair. "Everyone ready?" Jack exclaimed to get our attentions. "Yes!" Me and the boys exclaimed in unison. "Let's go then!" Jack exclaimed as we all got up and slipped on our shoes and walked out of the house. We walked to Jack's car and I sat in the back with Thomas and Samuel. "Hey Jack. Can I ask you something?" I asked him as he packed out the car and started driving down the dirt road we live in. "Yes anything honey." Jack told me. "Where does Angela work at?" I asked him. "At an A/C company." Jack answered me. "Ok just wondering." I told Jack. The rest of the car ride was silent.

We arrived at the Los Angeles Mall. Jack told me that it was the largest mall in the whole U.S! We parked right near one of the entrances. We all got out of the car and Jack locked the car after we shutted the doors. We walked down the parking lot and into the mall.

Oh my god this mall is so freakin huge! Bigger than what I imagined! There is even frickin roller coasters and water park there! We didn't go into the water park but we went into the roller coasters. But we got all sorts of stuff at the mall. We got brown paint, green paint, violent paint, and red paint to paint my walls. We then got me a bed set with a king sized mattress. Then Jack got me a desk, a iPhone 6s, a Goosebumps iPhone 6s case, a Apple white laptop, both with chargers, and a wardrobe. We also went into the clothes section were I got me 5 pairs of jeans, 6 long sleeved shirts, 10 regular shirts, extra pairs of underwear, and a few pairs of bras for when I hit..puberty. I also got me a pair of boots and another pair of tennis shoes. Finally we were done shopping. "I'm so exhausted." Samuel groaned. "I am too, Samuel." I told him. "But it was all worth it for our new sister!" Thomas cheered. "Thank you." I told them.

We then arrived back at the house. Angela still wasn't here. Good. We brought all the stuff into the house. We were going to paint my walls tomorrow. Today we are putting the furniture in. And so we did with help of Jack, Samuel and Thomas. But dang am I tired. "Hey want to take a walk?" Jack asked all of us. "Sure." I told him. "Why not?" Thomas and Samuel agreed. It's about to get dark so it should be okay. We all left the house and walked down the dirt road.

In about 5 minutes, we entered the town of L.A. As we were walking , we came across a strip club on our left. But then we saw a familiar face walk out of the strip club. Drunk. With another man. Half naked. Angela... I then walked up to her stomping and called out to her:"Hey bitch!" They both turned to me. "Rylee no!" I herd Jack yell out to me.

To be continued...

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