6 Months Later

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Rylee's POV:
I've been living with Samuel,Thomas,and Jack for 6 months now. I've been happy since then. And so has Samuel, Thomas, and Jack. Jack didn't care if he won't be able to find another wife. And the boys and I agreed. Right now it's the year 2015. In case you didn't know, I was adopted in October. How strange is that? And now it's March. I'm not in school yet, just cause I've never been in one so I didn't know what it was like. Jack said that I'll be going the next school year. Unless I don't want to. But Jack told me that he had a surprise for me and the boys. I wanted Jack to tell me, but he told me that he will tell me when the boys get home from school. I know. I have to wait seven hours until they get back. Well actually I have to wait two more hours. Right now, Jack is at work to prepare the surprise he has for us. And yes he still works as an actor. I can't wait for the surprise!

~Time skip to when Samuel and Thomas come home with Jack because I'm lazy as hell lmao~

I herd a car door shut outside. I looked out the window and saw Jack,Samuel, and Thomas come out of Jack's home. Yes! I get to see what the surprise is! Man my heart is beating so fast right now even though I'm watching Jack Black's Kung Fu Panda movie! The trio walk in. I paused the tv as I prepared for the surprise. Jack and the boys sat down on the couch with me. "So are y'all ready for the surprise?!" Jack exclaimed. "Yeesssss!!!" Me, Thomas, and Samuel all exclaimed in unison. "Okay. So tomorrow morning, we are flying to Madison, Delaware for a film I'm doing!" Jack told us. Me and the boys cheered. "What movies is it dad?" Thomas asked Jack. "It's a movie about a tv show that we all always watch and never get bored of!" Jack told us. I knew exactly what show he meant. "Goosebumps?!" I shouted. "You guessed it! And I well..have a role for one of y'all. But it will only have to go to one of y'all." Jack told us seriously. Immediately, Thomas and Samuel looked up at me and smiled at me. "You can have it Rylee." Samuel told me. "R-Really?!" I stuttered. "Yes. You deserve it." Thomas told me. I gasped in excitement. "Th-Thank you both." I told the boys and hugged them. They both hugged me back. "Your welcome, Rylee." Both the boys told me. I stood straight again. "Okay Rylee. What will your name want to be in the movie?" Jack asked me. "So a fake name for the character I'm going to play in the movie?" I asked Jack to be sure. "Yes sweet heart." Jack told me. Hmm..a fake name. I then got one. "Megan. Megan will be my fake name." I told Jack. Jack then wrote something down on a piece of paper. "Okay you will be 13 years old and your last name will be Stine since I'm playing as R.L Stine and so you and Odeya Rush will be playing as my daughters." Jack informed me. I nodded my head. "So..there will be other actors there?" I sheepishly asked Jack. You see, I'm not good at meeting new people. "Yes but don't worry I met them today. They are super nice. And they are not my old age." Jack told me. "Oh dad you're not old!" I told him which made him chuckle. "Their names are Dylan Minnette, who is playing as Zach the main protagonist, Ryan Lee, who is playing as Champ the second protagonist, Odeya Rush, who is playing as Hannah, and of course me as R.L Stine the writer of the books!" Jack informed me. "I can't wait to meet them!" Thomas exclaimed. "They all sound nice." Samuel said. "What time are we leaving tomorrow?" I asked Jack. "Well the plane leaves at 11 a.m and we need to be by the studio by Sunday at 11 am. The boys are out of school for the summer so today was their last day." Jack told me. "Okay. Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" I exclaimed.

It's 7 am when I woke up the next morning. My heart and brain just can't handle the excitement! It's about a 4 hour plane ride to Georgia. I'm really excited and nervous to meet the actors. I wonder what they look like. I got up from my bed and walked down to the kitchen. I saw that Jack was already awake and making breakfast. He looked over at me and smiled at me and I smiled back at him. "You excited sweet pea?" Jack asked me as he walked over to me with two plates of food. "Yes dad. Extremely much. I can't wait to act in a movie that is about one of my fav tv shows." I told Jack as he handed me my plate of food. Jack made pancakes, bacon, and eggs. He also brought me some coffee. Yum! He put Mocha/Chocolate creamer in my coffee. "You excited Rylee?" Jack asked me as we grabbed our plate of breakfast and coffee and went to the dining table. "Yes I am! I can't wait to meet the actors that are working with us!" I softly exclaimed so I won't wake Samuel and Thomas up. "I can see you are. Well once we arrive at Madison, after about an hour or so Dylan Minnette, Ryan Lee, and Odeya Rush are coming to our apartment to have a party for the movie going to happen!" Jack told me in a very exciting way. I can tell he is excited too. But that word caught me. Party. "Is there going to be alcohol at the party?" I asked Jack interrupting his little celebration dance. "Oh..no there doesn't have to be. Did your parents have a problem with alcohol?" Jack asked me. "Yes..my dad was an alcoholic." I told Jack. "Oh okay I will email them right now telling them to not bring alcohol. Is it fine if I tell them why?" Jack asked me. I nodded at him. "Okay excuse me for a second." Jack told me as he went into his office room. I then herd Samuel and Thomas walk in. "Morning Sam and Thom." I greeted them. They let me and Jack call them by Sam and Thom. It's like a little nickname. "Morning Ry." They both greeted me. They and Jack also call me by Ry in which I didn't mind. "Sit down on the couch and I'll make y'all breakfast." I told them. "Oh thank you, Ry." Sam told me. "Yeah we can do it ourselves but thanks anyways." Thom told me. "No problem." I told them both.

~Time skip after breakfast because,like I said, I'm freakin lazy lmao~

Well after breakfast we got dressed into our regular clothes and we had a plane to catch by 11 am. And it will take about 4 hours to get there. So Dylan Minette, Ryan Lee, and Odeya Rush will be coming at about 4. Which gives us an hour to settle in. We all then grabbed our bags and dragged them to the back of the Ford truck. And we took off to the airport. I am so damn excited.

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