Day 2 Part 2

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Rylee's POV:
I stomped towards Angela. "What are you doing here?!" Angela screamed at me. I had a grimaced look on my face. I wasn't afraid of her. I've been through worse than a women screaming at me. "You freakin jerk.." I told her. "Does it look like I give a shit?" She told me. "Obviously not. But I don't care either. I kind of suspected it that you were having a mothertrucking affair." I told Angela. Then she smacked me across the face. I fell but jumped back on my feet and kicked her chin. She tried to kick me but I did a back flip back. "Come here you fat piece of shit!" She exclaimed at me as she started stomping towards me. I froze.


I tiredly got out of my bed and to the shower. I then herd my parents banging on the bathroom door. Yelling at me to get out of the shower even though I just got in. I told them that I'll be out in a second. Two minutes later, I finished. I walked out with my clothes on and I herd my dad whisper to me:"You slow piece of shit."

*flashback ends*

I felt my body going down. I realized that it was Angela kicking me in the gut. I went down to the hard cold ground (no pun intended). I then passed out and the last thing I herd was Jack screaming my name in fear.

I felt myself catching my breath as I felt myself gaining conscious. I opened my eyes and found myself looking up at a white roof. I then herd a faint beeping. I looked down at my body and found myself not in my clothes, but in a long gown and I had blankets over me. I realized that I was in a bed. I looked over to my right and saw machines and an IV fluid bag. I looked down on my right arm and found an heart beat tracker attacked on my middle finger. I..I am in a hospital. Wait. Jack. Samuel. Thomas. I shot up and saw Jack, Samuel, and Thomas on the floor in a inflatable mattress and that they were snuggling with each other. Jack had his arm around both of his sons. I then felt something up my nose. A breather tube up both of my nostrils. I needed to get Jack's attention. I know! I'll play that Tenascious D song that Jack sang in! I reached for my laptop that was on the nightstand next to me. I then pulled up the song and played it. After a few minutes, I herd Jack and the boys waking up. They immediately shot up and looked over at me. Their eyes were in pure shock. But in a good way. They immediately got up and ran over to me and started hugging the crap out of me. Both Thomas and Samuel jumped on to my hospital bed and practically jumped on me. I was okay don't worry. They both then settled down and layed on my bed with me. I then herd sniffles. I looked over to were Jack was and I saw tears running down his face. "Oh my god Jack please don't cry." I told him. He then walked over to me and hugged me tightly. "I love you, Rylee." Jack told me while he was still crying. "I love you too, dad." I told him. I then herd Samuel and Thomas starting to cry. Then they both got into the hugging group.

We then all calmed down from crying and we just sat and watched School of Rock. Jack is so embarrassed for his sons to watch his movies, because he thinks it feels weird. But I think Samuel and Thomas are digging this movie. I found out that I was asleep for about 2 days. I thought that was so weird. I then remembered someone. Angela bitch. "Dad?" I called out to Jack. I got to get into the habit of calling him 'Dad' and 'Daddy'. "Yes sweet heart?" Jack asked me. "What happened to Angela?" I asked him. Jack froze. "She went to jail. For lifetime. And I broke up with her." Jack told me. "I'm sorry. I knew she was kind of a jerk." I told him. He Nodded in agreement. I have the huge urge to tell him my secret. But..I mean I trust this man so much. "Samuel. Thomas. Y'all can go with Chris Pratt, Liam Neeson, and Chris O'Donnell while I have a private talk with Rylee." Jack told the boys. They both said okay. Suddenly three different men walked in here. "Oh it's the beautiful new daughter Jack has!" One of the men with flat brown hair and blue eyes told me. I blushed and told him:"Th-Thank you.." "So we are here to pick up the boys so you can have a private talk with Rylee?" One of the men with black hair that seemed older than the other two asked Jack. "Yes. Megan. This is Chris Pratt," Jack told me as he pointed to one of the men with brownish reddish hair. He smiled at me. "This is Liam Neeson." Jack told me as he pointed to the man with black hair. "Hello there." He greeted me. He had such a gruff and deep voice. I waved shly at him. "And this is Chris O'Donnell." Jack told me as he pointed to the man with the flat brown hair. I smiled at him. "Alright boys lets go and have some fun!" Chris O'Donnell exclaimed. Samuel and Thomas cheered. They both came over and hugged me goodbye. Then they went their way with the others. Jack and I were now alone. "Now Rylee..." Jack started out as he pulled a chair over to me and sat next to me on my hospital bed. "Y-Yes?" I stuttered since I don't know what he is going to say next. "I want to ask you something." Jack told me. "Yes what is it?" I asked him. "Are you having any certain problems going on?" Jack asked me. Oh dear god. I know what he is asking about. "no. I am perfectly okay." I lied to Jack. "Rylee..tell me the truth." Jack told me. I was then unsure on what to say. "J-Jack?" I stuttered. "Yes sweetie?" Jack questioned me. I pulled my sleeve down and I showed him my scars. My old ones and the new ones. Jack covered his mouth in shock. And he..started crying! He covered his face and sobbed. "Dad..please don't cry." I told him as I began to cry too. Jack then pulled me into a big hug. And I hugged back. We cried on each other's shoulders. Jack then pulled away and and dried up his tears. "Rylee..You are so special. So special to me. You, Samuel, and Thomas are so precious and special I can't bare to loose you all." Jack told me which made me smile through my tears. Maybe Jack cared so much that I can trust him so much that I can..tell him my secret. "J-Jack?" I called out to him. "Yes sweet heart?" Jack questioned me. "C-Can I tell you something?" I told him. "Yes you can sweetie. Anything." Jack told me. Here goes nothing. "Jack.." I paused. "I-I'm bisexual .." I told him. Jack was surprised at first but then he smiled at me. "Does it look like I don't care? I care. That is okay with me honey. But I don't think Angela would like it." Jack told me. "Thank you Jack for being supportive." I told him. "No problem." Jack told me as we brought each other into a hug.

Adopted by Jack Black?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora