Chapter 35

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"What's happening?" I gasp as the ship begins to shake.

I struggle to get to the front of the ship.

"No. No. No." Alex repeats. "There was no indication of a storm on the monitor. This shouldn't be happening!"

All of a sudden a bunch of lights star flashing.

"What do those mean?" Minerva asks.

"The engines are failing." Alex turns to us. "We need to get off of this ship."

And we're falling. Everyone begins screaming.

"Girls!" I call and we all gather. "Enchantix!"

"Rose! Fairy of the dragon flame."

"Jenna! Fairy of the shinning sun!"

"Minerva! Fairy of music!"

"Diana! Fairy of nature!"

"Jackie! Fairy of waves!"

"Tasha! Fairy of technology!"

"Andromeda! Fairy of the dragon flame!"

I race to Evan and grab his hand I then turn and see Alex press the hanger button. The back of the ship opens and I see that all of the boys have one of us to fly with. Evan and I then run toward the back of the ship and jump.

Please work! Please work! Please work!

I begin to flutter my wings as we propel toward the ground. Eventually, I fully open my wings against the pressure and fly as far away as possible before the ship explodes or I drop Evan.

We are about ten feet from the ground when I hear a BOOM in the distance. A blast of energy then forces me to crash to the ground. I land next to Evan on my back.

"Woah....are you okay?" I pant and look at him.

He has his hands over his face. "Jeez, that scared me!"

We both laugh and I sit up. I smile and press my lips to his.

One of You? Book 4 *winx club fanfic* [#Wattys2016 ]Where stories live. Discover now