Chapter 17-

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I shot a blast at the dummy in front of me and flipped off of the log I was positioned on. I blasted a second dummy in the tree above me.

"Very good Rose," professor WizGiz said. "In the past three days you have learned a brand new spell. I trust that you will transform soon."

"Thank you sir," I said and walked back toward the school. I don't know when, but at some point on my way back to the castle, I took a wrong turn and ended up in the dark part of the forest. Night began to fall when I decided to call Andromeda. I was about to dial when I heard noises.

I quickly ducked behind a large tree, fearing the creatures that the forest might be home to. I only noticed that I had dropped my phone when it was too late.

"You have to understand that my mother cannot know," a woman's voice rang.

"Why?" Another woman said.

"She has been going through so much, if she found out it would kill her."

"So am I just supposed to forget about my family?"

"You're not even real, so until you actually get out, you are staying hidden. Understand?"

"You know, you're very mature for your age."

"I have to be."


And then my phone rang. I mentally slapped myself.

"We're not alone." One stated. "Run. Now. I will handle it."

And that's all I needed to hear before I took off running. I didn't want to find out who was talking, I just wanted to get away. I obviously was not going to look back on whoever was chasing me. I sensed that the voices were being altered by a masking spell, so I would not be able to clarify if I knew the speakers. I kept running until I reached the school. Luckily, I was able to sneak back inside without being caught by a teacher, but, once I got to the dorm I was met with an angry Andromeda.

"Where have you been?" She asks me. "I have been calling you over and over again."

"Sorry," I say and try to get around her to my room.

"Don't be late again."

"Andromeda you aren't my mother," I remind her. "I can do whatever I want with my life."

"I am your guardian," she says. "Apparently, I have been since-"

She stops, regretting her choice of words.

"Since what?" I ask. "Since my parents died? Yeah, I get it, okay? I'm an orphan so you and Aunt Bloom have full control over me like my mother would have. You know, if she hadn't been blown to pieces!"

I make my way to my door and slam it before changing and getting into bed, falling into a deep sleep.

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