Chapter 21

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I wish I could say that it all got better after my battle with the Trix, but that would be a lie. People are constantly following me around and knocking on our door. According to Jenna, I'm all over the news and there are constantly reporters outside of the school. Aunt Bloom has told me that she will try to keep my people at bay until I graduate from Alfea, but I don't see that happening. After all, the people of Linfea have been scattered on hospitable planets throughout the magic dimension for sixteen years. So, since an heir to the throne has come forward, all of those who lost their planet will be looking to me for guidance.

"ROSE!" someone shouts.

"Huh?" I look up but the dorm is empty.

"ROSE!" the voice shouts again.

"Who said that?" I ask and hear something from the balcony. I go out and look out to the courtyard.

"THERE SHE IS!" I furrow my eyebrows and look down to see a group of girls under my balcony. They are cheering and pointing at me. All of a sudden I see that every girl down there is wearing a wristband made of leaves with a purple flower on it, the symbol of Linfean refugees.

"Woah,"I gasp and step back. All those girls down there are from my planet and I have no idea how to talk to them, let alone lead them. "I need to get out of here."

I go back inside and grab my phone before walking out the door and through the halls of Alfea. As I walk by students I notice that most of them are whispering about me. I sigh and put the hood of my jacket up.

"Look, its the Princess."

"How did she do it?"

"I heard she has the key to the portals to Linfea."

"It can't be her."

I make it outside and try my best to cover my face with my hair and hood. I spot Jenna, Jackie and Tasha coming through the gates and I walk over to them.

"Hey." I wave as I walk past them.

"Hey." Jackie says before placing her hands on her hips and turning around.  "Wait! Where are you going?"

"I'm going for a walk in the woods." I say simply.

"Do you even remember what happened last time you went in the woods alone?" Jackie huffs.

"I'll be fine." I insist and continue walking.

My journey into the woods ends when I find a small pond to sit near and relax. It is very calm here. Before I realize, I have fallen asleep. It is late in the afternoon when I wake up and I mentally slap myself for falling asleep in the woods. All of a sudden I hear something moving in the bushes near me. I take a defensive stance and prepare myself to transform. The bushes rustle until a boy who looks a little bit older than me comes out from them. He looks startled to see me.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"You first."

"My name is Evan Mills." He says with his hands up. "And you are standing on my mother's grave."

I drop my stance and jump away from where I was standing. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!"

I expect him to shout but instead he bursts into a fit of laughter. I stare at him in shock. "I was joking."

"That isn't funny!" I yell. "I thought I had desecrated someone's grave!"

"But you didn't," he smirks.

I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms. "So what actually brings you here Evan Mills?"

"I will tell you but you have to tell me your name first." He says and holds out a hand for me to shake.

I consider giving him a fake name but decide not to.

"Rose." I tell him and shake his hand.

"Last name?" He asks. "Or are you a royal?"

I open my mouth to tell him that I'm a Linfean royal but then I think about all the people crowded below my dorm. I look up at him and can tell that he isn't from a royal family himself by baggy and ripped clothing and a scruffy appearance. Still, he is very attractive. Would he like me if he knew I was royal?

"No last name," I tell him with a smile. "No parents to get a last name from."

"Orphan?" He asks.

"Orphan." I nod.

Technically, it isn't a lie. My parents have died and I am an orphan. Also, I didn't say that I'm not a royal. I only said that I had no last name. So I'm not lying. Right?

"Me too." He says. "My parents abandoned me when I was a year old. Beside this lake. Sixteen years ago today. And that's what brings me here today, to answer your question."

"I'm so sorry." I say.

"Don't be," he smiles and sits on a rock. "I'm sure yours is just as sad. So what is it anyway?"

"Um." I hesitate. "Well, um, all I know is that my parents were killed when I was a baby."

"Awe. That's sad." He says with a grin and plops down on a log.

"So, let me guess, you are an Alfea girl?"

"That's correct." I nod. "And I am assuming that you are a Red Fountain Boy?"

"No!" He gasps sarcastically. "However did you possibly guess that?"

I laugh and smile, knowing that I've made a new friend.





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