Chapter 7

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"No." A voice says. I spin on the chair to see Zeke stood in the doorway, a tear trailing down his face and landing on his open lips.

I smile sympathetically at him.

"Don't go. Don't leave me." He begs.

Slowly, i stand up and look at his pain filled eyes.

"I was just thinking." I admit.

"Don't ever think that again, you're an amazing mother." He whispers, placing his hands on my waist and i put my palms on his chest, resting my cheek on his t-shirt.

"Hope is wanted by the FBI."

"I know, babe. We'll find her." Zeke promises, kissing my head.

"Lets get to work then." I say, pulling away from him and sitting on the chair at the desk.

We spend the next few hours searching through everything we can possibly find, but still nothing. We watch multiple tv reports and newspaper articles. Nothing.

Suddenly the computer beeps and a video call from Colson appears.

"Hello, Skye." He mutters, a look of guilt in his eyes.

"Hello Sir." I reply as Zeke tenses in the seat next to me.

"We need you to come to Avengers headquarters." He demands, clicking his fingers.

"Wow, recently you have become so much like Fury. Has he been giving you lessons? Is he back from England?" I question.

"No and no."

"Okay, Im on my way." I mutter and end the call.


I knock on the wooden meeting room door and someone says enter. I step in and the Avengers stare at me. Captain is sat in jeans and a shirt with his arms crossed. Doctor Banner is staring at his feet and Hawkeye is sat leaning in his chair. Thor is stood behind a chair, his eyes full of sympathy. Dad is shaking his head. Colson sighs deeply, standing at the front in a black suit.

"Im trying." I whisper as i close the door behind me and sit on the leather backed seat next to where Thor is stood.

"Skye, this is out of your hands. We've been very loose, letting you deal with it for two days."

"I know. I know." I mumble, my hands going clammy.

"Now, Hope has killed three people: a mother, a fireman and a five year old girl." He explains.

I didn't know the details. I knew it was three people, but not details on who they were. I didn't want to know.

"Its not Hope who killed them. Its her suit." I argue.

I stand up and march to the front of the room, i plug my phone into the projector and show the video of the first time the suit took control. In the abandoned car garage.

I show them everything. How Hope says she likes to be independent and when she tries to shoot me.

I pause it suddenly, the part where Hope is stood in the suit with the arc reactor turning red.

"Hope can't control the suit. The arc reactor is a new and evolved element that i have never seen." I explain, pointing to the photo.

"I've never seen that before either." Dad chips in.

"We have to do something to stop Hope, she's killing people." Hawkeye points out and they all agree with him.

I slam my fist on the table and the vibrations ripple through. All eyes turn to me.

"Its not Hope. Its the suit!" I shout.

"But Hope is in the suit." Hawkeye quietly says.

"You're still pissed about the thing with Loki and Amelia against me. Aren't you?" I ask, staring straight at Hawkeye. Doctor Banner squirms in his seat and dad sighs.

"Yes, I am."

"You lot don't get it. Hope is in danger, she can't get the suit off and we can't find her anywhere. A week ago she said, that she's in danger because of me and she's right." I whisper, my eyes filling with tears.

"We need to destroy the suit. Even if that means hurting the person inside." My dad bellows.

I snap my head at him. Did he just say? He wants to kill Hope?

"What the hell is wrong with you? You want to kill Hope? Your granddaughter?" I question, my eyes burning at him. My anger bubbling inside of me like lava as i feel my eyes go ice cold.

"I didn't say kill her, i sai-"

"Don't. You want to kill your granddaughter, your sick." I spit as i hear the glass behind me smashing. The glass sprinkles down on Thor, who was stood right next to it.

"Damn it." I curse.

I feel Colsons hand on my shoulders and i violently shake him off. I march out but my dad grips my wrist.

"I didn't mean that." He mumbles.

"Don't lie to me. I swear to god, if any of you hurt Hope. I will hunt you down and kill you with all the missiles, guns and grenades i have. I will kill you in the most inhumane way possible." I threat and stomp out to the elevator.

I march past reception, ignoring Zeke and Lucas. They sprint after me but i zone them out. Until, Zeke wraps his arms around me and i sob against his chest.

"Everything is going to be fine. We'll fix it." Zeke whispers. Another promise he can't keep.

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