Chapter 2

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"Zeke, can i talk to you please?" I ask, placing my white hands on the kitchen counter and leaning my weight on them, my mind racing.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Zeke questions, strolling in with his red guitar swung over his shoulder.

"Hope's built a suit." I whisper a silver turn around to face him.

"What? How do you know?"

"Its in her room, in the wardrobe." I explain and he marches off.

Then he marches back, shaking his head so his blonde hair shakes with it.

"What do we do?" He whispers.

"We confront Hope and discuss it with her." I announce, grabbing a bottle of French white wine and two glasses. I fill them and pass one to Zeke.

"She's out with that boy." He reminds me.

"I know. He looked just like you did when you met me at the laugh party." I say, smiling at the memory.

We were at my very first launch party and i had just walked in. I saw Zeke talking to a woman, he didn't seem interested in the conversation but more interested in me.

"He looks dodgy." Zeke points out.

"My dad thought you were dodgy. You just have very high father protection sensors." I tease, making it all up.

"You made that all up." He sees through me, raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, you got me. But what are we going to do? You know that Hope will argue with us." I explain.

"Yes, we have to stand our ground."

"I should destroy the suit." I whisper and Zeke gasps slightly.

"No, Hope made that. That's a bit harsh."

"Alright, what do you suggest?" I question, finishing my wine and refilling it.

"We ground Hope and take away her phone." He offers, the same punishment that doesn't work.

"Nope, we need something better." I reply.


Just before 10 o clock Hope steps through the doorway. We turn around on the sofa and watch.

"Im back before my curfew." She points out, smiling.

Hope's brown hair flows in curls around her face, her bright blue eyes covered in black make up and her plain black dress reaches her knees.

"We know. There's something else we want to talk to you about." Zeke announces as we stand up and sit at the small kitchen table.

Hope follows and sits down opposite us, placing her iphone on the table.

"We found the suit in your wardrobe." I admit.

Hope sighs and her eyes widen in shock as they glimmer.

"Why did you go in my room? Do i not get any privacy?" She questions.

"Hope, we give you so much privacy. We didn't say anything to your boyfriend or ask where you went because we respect your privacy. I only checked your room to see it was tidy." I explain.

"No, you didn't. You were both being nosy. Again." She spits.

"We weren't. I want you to be safe, building a suit is not safe. I know the dangers and i don't want you or Lucas or your dad in danger." I admit and Zeke finds my left hand under the table.

"You don't get it." She whispers, staring at the table.

"No, we don't. So explain it to us." Zeke suggests.

"We are never not in danger. We are always in danger, because of our family and mum and grandad. We're always in danger." She says in confidence and storms off.

I sigh and a piece of my heart shatters.

My daughter just called me dangerous.

"Are you okay?" Zeke whispers, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Yep." I mutter as a tear fills my eye.

"Hope was just saying it because she's upset and angry." He points out.

"She's right though. They're always in danger because of me." I whisper as i pull away from Zeke and walk out of the kitchen and into the basement.

The robot appears at my side, tossing his head like a puppy. I walk over to my big desk and sit in the desk chair.

"Good Evening Miss." Jarvis says, his voice bellowing in the room.

"No, its not a very good evening." I whisper, spinning in my chair.

"Miss, i have detected an arc reactor reading." He announces.

"What? Where?" I question, leaning over the desk now.

"In the city, they have just flown from this house, from Miss Hope's room." He explains.

My mind races as i jump up and go to my suit. The cool metal clips onto me like a second skin, it adjusts and i wriggle slightly. The mask is slammed down in front of my face and Jarvis stares at me.

"Call Hope." I demand as i turn on my thrusters and lift off the ground. Then i lean forward and shoot out the basement door and up into thwarting night sky.

Hope is hovering over the sea, her red and silver suit shining under the stars.

"Hope, please come home." I beg as i hover alongside her.

"You don't understand." She says.

"I do. I was your age when i built my first suit. But the arc reactor isn't designed for someone like Lucas and your dad. If they put your suit on, it would kill them." I explain and Hope nods in agreement.

"But they wouldn't put my suit on." She defends.

"That's not the point and you know it. I don't want you in any more unnecessary danger. You heard what i said on the radio." I whisper.


"Then please, get rid of the suit." I beg, pulling my mask up and keep my feet steady so i still hover.

Hope lifts her mask and i see the black tears stream down her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest, our metal clanking together. I stroke Hope's hair and hear the tears fall onto my metal suit.

"You can keep it, but only in an emergency, okay?" I ask, she pulls away and nods slowly.

"Come on then. Your dad is worrying." I say, pulling my mask down and flying back home.

I land softly on the driveway and Hope lands behind me. I take her right hand and we walk into the living room. Zeke races up to me and hugs me. Then he hugs Hope.

"Are you both okay?" He asks.

"Yep. Off you go Hope." I order, she nods and marches off, her suit clanking on the wooden floor.

"What did you say to Hope?" He asks.

"I said that if you or Lucas put on her suit, that it would kill you." I whisper.

"Would that happen if i put on yours?"

"Yes." I admit.

"Thank you for being honest." He thanks and wraps his arms around my waist, i lean my metal covered head against his chest and match his breathing.

Seeing Red (Stark's Daughter 5)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα