Chapter 4

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I land loudly on the street and people race past, screaming. I watch as children sprint through rubble, shouting for their lost parents. Shouting but not getting answers.

"Hope!" I shout and she turns around, her face hidden by the mask.

"Make it stop, mum. Please." She begs, her voice shaking with tears.

"Im trying. I am trying everything i have, darling." I admit.

"Jarvis, give me an update." I demand, the screens swapping and changing in front of my terrified eyes.

"Suit is out of our control, the arc reactor has formed a new element."

"What element?"

"A new undiscovered and evolved element." Jarvis announces, something unexpected.

Hope keeps shooting at buildings and a small boy runs past her. She puts her left foot out and the small boy trips over, his face hitting the gravel and he starts to cry. The suit raises the palm in the boys face. I jump in front, covering him with the back of my body. I scoop him into my arms and fly into the air. I fly over the buildings and land on the other side of town. Placing him on the ground, he then hugs my leg and i smile.

"You're safe now." I whisper, ruffling his short brown hair. He sprints off and hides in a cafe.

I fly back up and over to Hope. I land in front of her and see black vans appear behind her back. Colson jumps out of the back, a gun his hands and i nod at him. Hundreds of soldiers follow him and kneel down, targeting their guns at Hope.

"This is for the best Hope." I whisper.

The suit releases guns and gas grenades. They explode in front of the soldiers and they are blown back. Hope then shoots into the air, blending in with this clouds. I follow her, ignoring the fuming shouts of Colson as i follow my daughter.

The clouds flow around me as i smash through them. I hover above them, scanning the sky for Hope.

"Hope!" I scream, my voice filling the afternoon sky.

"Please, Hope. Answer me!" I shout but not getting a response.

"Colson is calling." Jarvis announces.

"Accept the call."

"Where the hell are you?" He demands.

"I have my head in the clouds." I tease.

"I know you do. Seriously, where is she?"

"She has a name." I point out, descending from the sky.

"Where is Hope?"

"I lost her." I admit and i her him sigh.

"Your husband is here." He announces.

"Damn it." I mutter.

I land on the ground and Zeke sprints over to me, his hair flowing in the light breeze.

"Where's Hope?"

"I lost her. The suit has a new undiscovered and evolved element that i have never seen before."

"Is it yours?"

"Of course not." I truthfully say. Then i lean into his ear "We've got to go, before this gets to the FBI and i don't do well in questioning." I whisper. Zeke nods.

I place my arms under his and turn on my thrusters. We shoot up and through the city.

Seeing Red (Stark's Daughter 5)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat