Chapter 5

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"I can't find Hope anyway. Its like she's disappeared off the grid." I explain, the blue plans projected around in the basement.

"You said you put a tracking device on her." Zeke points out.

"I know, but the suit must have destroyed it." I whisper.

"This is impossible."

"The FBI is going to be after us soon, what should we do?" I ask, looking up at his fear filled eyes.

"We do nothing. We keep searching for Hope and we'll just have to deal with the FBI." He says.

"I said to Hope that it was dangerous. This is all my fault." I whisper, tears streaming down my face.

Zeke wraps his arms around me and holds me against his chest, like he would with a child.

"Its not your fault. Its no ones fault. Its just a suit problem." He comforts.

"What's going on?" A small voice asks, we turn to see Lucas stood at the basement door.

"Come here, Lucas." I say, opening my arms and he sits on my knee.

"Hope is in some trouble, but we are doing everything to get her out of it. But you are not to read the newspaper or watch the news or look at the news on the internet. Okay?" Zeke explains and Lucas nods.

"Is Hope going to be okay?" He asks, turning to look at me.

"Of course she is. Hope's just gone away to be alone for a bit and she'll come back when she is ready." I explain.

"Okay." Lucas mumbles and strolls out, his hands in his pockets.


The next day i walk into Stark Industries and up to my office. I open Jarvis and get the latest update. Nothing.

"Jarvis, anything you have." I demand and a news report appears on the wall behind me.

"Hope Stark, the daughter of billionaire Skye Stark killed three people yesterday. Skye Stark flew in to defend her and Hope asked for help and to "make it stop"." The woman explains and the video of me flying in to protect her is shown.

"It appears the suit has malfuctioned. But the big question is: Is this the only suit with problems? Are we in danger?" The woman asks.

I sigh and turn it off.

"Skye! We have a problem, window." Pepper shouts, appearing at the door.

I step up to the window and watch as three blacked out black vans screech into Stark Industries car park. My mind races. The FBI.

I hear shouts outside and the elevators come up to our floor. I sit on the sofa in my office and smile as five men, armed with guns and bullet proof vests march in.

"Hello." I smile.

They stride up to, twist me down onto my knees and pin my face to the cool leather sofa. They wrap handcuffs around my wrists and then pull me up onto my feet. They drag me out onto the floor where my workers are stood, watching.

"Pepper, cancel all my appointments and take any messages. I might be a while." I say, putting on a fake smile.

They drag me out and into the elevator.

"Are you the group of people that your names are like A2?" I ask and the man holding my left elbow laughs.

"You know the answer to that anyway." He says, his Scottish accent filling the elevator. A guy next to him elbows the friendly man in the ribs, he straightens his back and tries to act professional.

"I can't control Hope, okay. Its out of my control." I admit to the five men. They nod and then ignore me.

They shove a black material over my my eyes and drag me into a building. Im pushed onto a metal seat and they pull the black material off my eyes, i wriggle against the handcuffs.

The room is black, with a simple metal table with a recorder and another seat opposite me. The friendly man stands behind me.

"Who am i seeing?" I ask, turning around to face him.

"Im not supposed to talk to you." He admits, hiding a smile.

"Okay, then." I mumble.

Suddenly, the door is pushed open and a man dressed fully in camouflage and has a brown moustache enters. He's followed by two men in black. The man eyes me up and down, then sits on the chair opposite and presses the record button on the machine.

"Hello, Mrs Stark." He says.


"You know why you're here." He points out.

"Yes, its not Hope who is doing this. Its the suit. She has a problem with her suit." I explain.

"Is there a problem just with Hope's suit or every suit?"

"Just Hope's. She made it herself. Its more evolved and its a new element that i have never seen before." I explain and he simply nods.

"We need you to stay here so that we know you're not hiding Hope." He announces.

"Stay here? Are you kidding? I have work and another child to look after." I point out, leaning forward, putting pressure on my handcuffed wrists.

"You have a husband." He reminds me.

"Do i get a phone call, at least?"

"One phone call a day."

"Thank you. Can i have these off now?" I ask, moving my shoulders in emphasis.

"Of course." He gives in and nods at the friendly man behind me. He steps forward and puts a key in. I pull my hands away and the pins and needles spread through my fingers.

"Can i have my phone call now, please?"

"Yes." The man in charge says and nods to the man.

The Scottish friendly man holds my elbow and i stand up, then he leads me down the corridor and to a phone on the wall.

He then walks down the corridor, just out of ear shot. Who should i call? Zeke. Dad. Hope.

I dial in the number.

"Hello?" Captain America asks.

"Hey, i need a favour. Im desperate. Im at the FBI base, they want me to stay here."

"Why are you calling me?"

"Because i need you. I need you to go to the military and persuade them that if they let me go i can get Hope. I can bring her back and destroy the suit." I explain.

"I'll see what i can do. Let me guess, you get one phone call?"

"Yep. They're very harsh." I mumble.

"I'll do everything i can."

"Thanks so much Captain." I say and end the call.

The friendly man returns and touches my left arm.

"You're a friendly man, can i please get another phone call? Please, to call my husband?" I beg, looking into his eyes.

"Okay, but don't tell my boss." He smiles and walks off again.

I dial in Zeke's number and he picks up.


"Its Skye. Im at the FBI base, they took me from work." I explain.

"Oh, god. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"No, stop worrying. They're keeping me here so they know i won't hide Hope. I've got Captain to talk to the military and try to get me out of here." I explain. Then drop my voice to a whisper "If not, I'll have to break out."

"Don't even think about it. We'll think of something. I'll talk to your dad."

"Thanks. I'll speak to you tomorrow." I say.

"Okay, be careful. I love you."

"I love you too." I reply and put the phone down.

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