From: Demi❤

Thanks! And I hope you had a good morning as well beautiful!(; I miss you already :'(

Did she really miss me? I missed her a lot already too. She called me beautiful too. I could not stop smiling! And I'm pretty sure I felt butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't sure if I should text her back or not so I didn't. After Rayne got dressed we went downstairs and had breakfast. Everyone stared at us when we entered the kitchen. "Um my friend Rayne slept over. She had a fight with her family. I hope you don't mind." It wasn't the first time she slept over either. Rayne had a lot of issues with her family. Linda smiled and said it was no problem and that she was always welcome to stay. Leo asked to talk to me in private.

"Was that the emergency?"

"Yeah, Rayne texted me when I was pulling into the garage. She said it was an emergency and that she needed me." He scrunched his eyebrows together and stayed silent for a while.

"Well then I guess you can have your car back. You were being a supportive friend after all but I need a heads up okay?"

"Okay, Leo." We walked back in the kitchen and he handed me my car keys. I sat down next to Rayne and Linda set down my plate. "Thanks Linda." It was my usual fruit salad with a strawberry pancake. After we had breakfast we went back to my room. "So what time do you want to go down to the police station?" She looked at me and groaned.

"Yesenia we talked about this. We aren't going to do anything."

"If you don't want me to go to the police at least break up with him."

" I can't."

"You can't or you won't?"

" I literally can't he said if I broke up with him he'd kill me. And I'm pretty sure he's crazy enough to do it!" Drew was psycho but he wouldn't go that far.

"You're over exaggerating Rayne. You have until tomorrow after school. If by then you haven't broken up with him you're coming with me to the police to turn in that son of a b***h." She groaned again and laid down.


"Fine you'll break up with him or fine you'll come with me to tell the police?"

"Fine I'll break up with him. If they find me in a black plastic bag somewhere in Alaska you're to blame."

"You're exaggerating. Come on let's watch a movie or something."

"Mkay which one?"

" I dunno you pick." She skimmed through the choices on Netflix and finally chose The Notebook.

"Let's watch a classic!" We pulled my blanket over us and she rested her head on my shoulder. I instinctively put my arm around her. "Making a move on me much?" She was joking but I couldn't help but blush.

Save Me (A Demi Lovato Femslash Fic)Where stories live. Discover now