Chapter 15: Wanna play?

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Hey my lovelies, I have great news for all my readers! The 6 week Christmas holidays just started so i'll be able to update this story 1-2 times a week or more! I have big plans for this story, enjoy :)

Emily was in shock, Kol was alive...Her Kol was alive. She couldn't believe that the whole thing was staged, why would Kol put her through this?

Damon sighed, "Read the rest of the note, trust me it get's better" he said leaning back into the chair, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Emily rolled her eyes and continued reading the note sent by the bitch Cammy, 'don't try anything honey, I will be hosting a ball, so wear something nice to die in'

Emily growled, she could imagine Cammy smirking as she wrote the letter.

"Im going" Emily stated as she stood up and walked towards her cupboard, "First she threatens me and now she has Kol, I don't think so!"

"Jeremy and I are coming with you, you'll need us" Damon stated.

"What can the hunter do? He's human?" Emily retorted.

"Jeremy has good shooting skills, and he knows how to defend himself, he will help me protect you" Damon said.

"You really trust him, why?" Emily asked curiously.

Damon sighed; "He was an old friend of mine, his sister was my girlfriend...Before she died she asked me to take care of him"

"And yet for years you never saw him, or you did but it was behind my back?" Emily wondered with a frown.

"I haven't seen him since we returned to Mystic Falls, he lives with his girlfriend Bonnie" Damon paused "She's a witch, and a very powerful one at that so if you meet her don't piss her off"

Emily nodded and added that into her list of people not to piss off in Mystic falls.

"Damon I need to get dressed can you get out?" Emily asked raising an eye brow.

"Yeh" Damon said as he left and shut the door, he was starlted when he saw Jeremy sitting on the chair beside a table and lamp.

"Is that true?" Jeremy asked.

"What is?" 

"That Elena asked you to protect me?"

"Yes, and along with 'I love you both' were her last words so I intend to keep that promise, so tonight do me a favour and don't die" Damon explained.

Jeremy bit his lip and nodded "ugh thanks" he started to walk away but Damon placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You're like an annoying little brother that I didn't want, I got to look after you" Damon smirked

Jeremy laughed "thank you"



Cammy smiled, everything was coming to plan, she knew Emily wouldn't be able to resist her invite.

"Well this is a surprise" she mused when none other than Stefan Salvatore walked in.

"Im so sorry dear, I was caught up" he mumbled "Klaus killed Silas, our plan is ruined"

Cammy laughed "Silas wasn't the plan Stefan, he was just a distraction" she smirked "Those idiots have no idea what I have planned.

Stefan was confused, "than what's the new plan?"

Cammy leaned forward from her chair, "We make them mad, we make them really hate me until they try and kill me" she chuckled "Whoever kills me will die as well, but then of course only I will come back to life, curtsey of my new witch friend Davina" Cammy smirked, her plan was pure genius.

Stefan was shocked by how amazing her plan actually was, "Babe that's brilliant, but I see one flaw in your plan"

Cammy cocked her head to the side "What would that be?
"How are you going to make them that mad that they would want to kill you?"

Cammy sat back against her chair and used her pointer finger to bring forward her guards; she whispered something in his ear that Stefan couldn't hear.

A minute later the guard brought out Elijah who was holding a tied and gagged Kol Mikaelson.

"This is how we make them angry" Cammy announced.

"Yes that will make them angry, but I don't think it will make them want to kill you" Stefan pointed out.

"No but this might" Cammy paused for a split second "Now!" she yelled.

In that second Elijah placed Kol down and ripped out Stefan's heart, the blood dripping off of his hand.

"Now that will make them want to kill me" Cammy mused as she leant forward and ripped off the duct tape from Kol's mouth "What do you think about my plan lovely? You and your pathetic siblings underestimated me" she laughed "big mistake because now Im getting my revenge against your family, starting with Emily" she shrugged "If anyone else gets hurt in the process such as your Klaus...That's just collateral damage"

Ending it here my lovelies

I have already wrote the next 2 chapters

My comment on this story have been lacking at Im sorry but I really put a lot of effort into these stories and I get 100 views and only 2 comments :(

Please leave me some comments about what you thought about this chapter, what do you think will happen next? O.o

This chapter was 850 words yay

comments = chapter 16

Bye my lovelies xx

Stefan Salvatore Is My FatherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon