Chapter 5: Hello Beautiful

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Emily's POV

My eyes fluttered opened, I jumped back when I saw a male looking over me. I screamed horrified and punched the unkown male in the face "Who are you?!"

He jumped back and smirked at me before a blonde pulled him away from me "Im Rebekah" she introduced herself before gesturing to the man beside her "This is boyfriend"

I nodded fake smilling, who were these people. I looked around confused. Where the hell was I?

Rebekah noticed my action "Your safe Emily" She said softly approaching me, I backed up before hitting something hard.

When I turned around Kol was behind me, I jumped into his arms "Kol! Who are these people?" I yelled "Where am I?"

Kol chuckled putting me down on their white leather couch, he sat beside me and took my hand rubbing my knuckles gently as he did so "Rebekah is my sister and Marcel is her boyfriend".

I nodded, "Anyone else I should know about?" I wondered looking around, Kol nodded.

"My brothers Klaus and Elijah also live here with their girlfriends" He explained.

"Oh..." I whispered, this was weird.... "Why am I here?"

"Emily, we have a bond. I could feel you were in trouble and I found you" I interupted him.

"When your car almost hit me?"

Kol laughed "I wan't the one driving, my brother Klaus was" He explained.

"I should get uncle would kill me" I said nervously bitting my lower lip.

Kol shook his head "I already called Damon and he said he will come pick you up"

I rolled my eyes "And how long ago was tha---" I was cut off.

"I am soooo over Cammy" Klaus..I think stormed in throwing his hands in the air.

Kol stood up "Why? What has she done?"

Klaus threw a wooden chair out the door smashing it, Kol stood protectively in front of me, "She is such a waste of my time!" Klaus yelled.

"Klaus calm down" Rebekah said grabbing his arm softly saying soothing words to calm him down, "What has she done?" Rebekah asked.

Klaus scoffed "What hasn't she done...."

Marcel fronwed "Klaus, what. did. she. do?" he asked seriously.

Klaus sat down on the chair across from me.

"Cammy went out while we were looking for her!" Klaus pointed at me, I stood up.

"Dont point at me" I ordered "Dont ever point at me"

Klaus smirked and fronwed "Yes Kol's mate"

"Mate?" I laughed "I am not Kol's mate, He's not even a werewolf"

Marcel chuckled "Im Rebekah's mate" He stated "Originals and werewolfs can have mates"

Rebekah held his hand "You and Kol have a bond, that was obvious when we knew exactly where you were"

"How do we become mates?" I wondered raising my eyebrow.

They all looked away, "Well?" I said.

"You two would have to have sex" Klaus smirked looking up at me but immediantly looked back down when I glared at him.

Kol took my hand "I really like you Emily" he whispered.

"I like you to------" I was cut off by a knock on the door.

I moved from Kol to answer the door and smiled when I saw Damon, but who was with him?

The male behind him was maybe 16-17, he had brown hair and brown eyes, and from what I could tell had very muscular arms and probably a six pack.

"Uncle" I sighed smiling.

"Where wwere you?" Damon growled.

"Stefan took me, didn't you see?" I frowned.

"No Stefan and I were drinking and you vamp-ran off, I thought you were exploring then you didn't come back so I got worried so Jeremy and I came looking for you--"

I stopped him "Who the hell is Jeremy?"

The male behind my uncle smiled at me, damn he was a cutie.

Jeremy had a cross bow in his left hand a you could see a stake gun in the pocket of his black jeans, he was a hunter?

"Im Emily" I introuduced my self smiling...gazing at him.

Kol growled and stood in between Jeremy and I, did they know eachother.

"Hello mate" Kol smirked, Jeremy rolled his eyes and held the cross bow at him.

I frowned, so it was obvious they didn't like eachother......

I stepped forwood "I have to go Kol, Ill see you around" I said smiling as I took his hand and held it.

Damon's eyes widened and I heard him swear under his breath "Emily hurry up"

I glaed at Damon before pecking Kol on the cheek and walking past the threshold and out the door with Damon and Jeremy.





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