Chapter 21: Part 2

Start from the beginning

We were thrashing wildly around in the hospital throwing punches, breaking bones, and hissing. I broke Mitri's ribs and his left

arm while he broke my nose, gave me a black eye, and broke my wrist. I could her my mom calmly telling us to stop, but I ignored her.

"Claire doesn't love you back brother! Get that through your hard-headed, emotionless skull already!"

"Go to hell, Mitri!"

Mitri rolled us over so he was on top of me and he grabbed me by my collar. He plucked me from the ground and threw me into a wall. I crashed into it as a clutter of stone and brick tumbled beneath me.

"Boys...please now is not the time to be arguing." My mother pleaded.

We ignored her and continued to fight. I planned on fighting Mitri until I had no more energy or blood left in my body. I was going to hurt him with everything I had.

*Susanna's PoV*

I watched for several minutes as Damien and Mitri pummeled each other to the ground like a bunch of three year olds. I tried to stop the fight like adults, but obviously no one was listening and it didn't help that Matt tried to sneak out.

"I seriously need a drink. Call me if you need me Susanna. I'll be at the nearest bar because I can't take this right now." Matt said rubbing his temples in fustration.

I shook my head as he tried to sneak out. Unbelievable! I couldn't believe that he was going to leave me alone with two squabbling vampires.

Maybe I should join him and let them blow off steam?

I quickly shook the thought away. Before Matt exited I crossed my arms and turned to face him. I had enough of everyone and I needed to get in control of this situation right now.

"Matt...if you leave through that door I'll impale you on the flagpole outside then I'll pour holy water on you. Don't you dare escape when we need to find Claire. Just to make myself very clear, I'm serious."

Matt quickly closed the door and waved his hands at me nervously.

"Honey.. You know I was just kidding right? I would never leave at a crucial time like this."

"Good that's what I thought," I smiled lovingly.

Don't get me wrong, but I was also known to have a dark side that shouldn't be messed with. Just because I preferred to be kind didn't mean that I wouldn't use my dark side when it got the job done better and now was one of those times.


No response.

I quickly looked at Matt and he gave me an approving nod. Matt walked over to them and pulled Mitri off of Damien and held him tightly in his arms. Damien quickly hopped off the ground and tried to hit Mitri again, but I was faster than he was.

I grabbed his fist and broke every bone in it. I watched as he crumbled to the ground cupping his temporary broken hand. I knew that was going to hurt...a lot.

"What the hell mom?! You can't tell me that Mitri doesn't deserve to get his ass kicked?!" He shouted.

"Damien don't talk to your mother like that!" Matt shouted back as Mitri tried to loosen his grip.

"Matt, it's not a big deal. He's angry and I understand that. He has a right to be." I turned to face Damien, " And you're wrong. You both deserve every broken bone you two get. You deserve it because you should have never lay a finger on Claire and Mitri deserves it because he was being stupid. Neither of you have thought any of your actions through and you two aren't the ones who has to live with the consequences, it's Claire, and none of it's fair to her."

The Slave of a Vampire (PLZ Wait to read changing to 3rd person +editing :))Where stories live. Discover now