Allthinzgood with Adalyn Mae Thomas

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The "Accident" by Allthinzgood; Main Character- Adalyn Mae Thomas

From Main Character POV--

1) What's your name? Full name if you have one.   

My name is Adalyn Mae Thomas 

2) What story do you appear in?

The "Accident", by:Allthinzgood. 

3) Who do you currently (as of this moment) love? Why?

Michael Knight Jr. 

4)Who do you currently (as of this moment) hate? Why?

 the man who caused the "accident" i was in. 

5) Who would you consider your 'idol' or 'role model'?

i don't think i have one.I lost my memory.

6) If you had to pick 2 words to describe yourself, what would it be?

kind and loving

7) If you were given a choice between jumping into a sea of man-eating sharks or jumping into a pit of fire, what would you pick?

jump into a sea of man eating sharks because i know Michael will save me.

8) Favorite food (if you don't have one, make one up)?

orange chicken with rice

9) Pick one magical power to have.

to be able to remember everything.

10) Naturally, would you pick, Truth or Dare?

Dare.(because i don't know much about myself) 


For the author--

1) Username?


2) What would you do if you met your main character in reality?

i would hang out with her and eat her favorite food with her and we'd be best friends. 

3) Which character in all your books, would you choose to meet in reality?

hmmm... i think Michael knight Jr. beacause he is so nice,sweet,and cute.

4) If you had to base your book off of ONE book, what book would it be? 

harry potter

5) Favorite book series? Or book?


6) Favorite Author?

JK Rowling

7) Favorite character in YOUR story?

hmm... MIchael Knight Jr. and Adalyn. it's hard to chose. 

8) If you had to describe your story in 2 words, what would it be?

Mysterious and Romantic

9) Do you write your characters based off of people you know (like their personalities)?


10) Harry Potter or Twilight ( I know, common question, I'm just curious-- if you haven't read any of them then skip this question )?


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