FrancescaG with Adriana Luz Jimenez, Queen of Esperanfort

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 The Heiress, Book 1: The Blood-Stained Crown by FrancescaG; Main Character- Adriana Luz Jimenez, Queen of Esperanfort

From Main Character POV--

1) What's your name? Full name if you have one. 

I'm Adriana Luz Jimenez, queen of Esperanfort.

2) What story do you appear in?

 The Heiress, Book 1: The Blood-Stained Crown. I sure hope it's not my blood that's gonna be staining that crown. 

3) Who do you currently (as of this moment) love? Why?

Love is a strong word...I have mixed feelings for Rafael. If he stops trying to one-up me all the time, maybe we can have some fun.

4)Who do you currently (as of this moment) hate? Why?

My cousin hates me, but I don't really have anything against her. I hate Claudis the Horrid.

5) Who would you consider your 'idol' or 'role model'?

My dad, or Armando Reville, the founder of my kingdom.

6) If you had to pick 2 words to describe yourself, what would it be?

A reckless tease.

7) If you were given a choice between jumping into a sea of man-eating sharks or jumping into a pit of fire, what would you pick?

Well, since I can control fire...I'd have to pick the pit of fire, since it wouldn't kill me!

8) Favorite food (if you don't have one, make one up)?

Gerezi beltza arno gorriakin, it's a cherry soup with ice cream or whipped cream on top. Really sweet but also tangy.

9) Pick one magical power to have.

I already have too many of these to count, but I'd love to be able to control them more. I'd also like to travel through time; I've made way too many mistakes in this book.

10) Naturally, would you pick, Truth or Dare?

Dare! What do you want me to do?!


For the author--

1) Username?


2) What would you do if you met your main character in reality?

Give her a big hug and tell her to stop stressing and go get a job.

3) Which character in all your books, would you choose to meet in reality?

Either Adriana, Sara, or Fred.

4) If you had to base your book off of ONE book, what book would it be?

You mean write my book from inspiration I get from another book? Kinda like a fan fiction? Harry Potter.

5) Favorite book series? Or book?

A lot...Harry Potter, Luxe, The Russian Concubine, Perfect Chemistry, Memoirs of a Geisha, the Shannara series.

6) Favorite Author?

JK Rowling, Kate Furnivall, Terry Brooks.

7) Favorite character in YOUR story?

I love all of my characters :).

8) If you had to describe your story in 2 words, what would it be?

Magical, epic.

9) Do you write your characters based off of people you know (like their personalities)?

Nope. But I try to make their lives as realistic and deep as possible, so maybe I get inspiration from stories I hear from people about their own lives.

10) Harry Potter or Twilight ( I know, common question, I'm just curious-- if you haven't read any of them then skip this question )?


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