Vixxen with Axis

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 The Watching Game by Vixxen; Main Character- Axis

From Main Character POV--

1) What's your name? Full name if you have one.   

Axis- I was never given a full name.

2) What story do you appear in?

The Watching Game

3) Who do you currently (as of this moment) love? Why?

  Petra Storlies- I'm not quite sure why, really. The moment our eyes met I loved her. In all honesty, she is the only human being of whom I don't wish to murder.

4)Who do you currently (as of this moment) hate? Why?

   Every human being except Petra, especially those who dare to harm her and those who had mutated me to become what I am presently.

5) Who would you consider your 'idol' or 'role model'?

 Idols and Role Models are pointless. I've no one to look up to, as every human has either feared me, or tortured me, stretching my DNA into something awful. Perhaps I'm my own idol.

6) If you had to pick 2 words to describe yourself, what would it be?

 Superior, Murderous

7) If you were given a choice between jumping into a sea of man-eating sharks or jumping into a pit of fire, what would you pick?

I'd jump into a pit of man-eating sharks anyday. Besides, they'd be effortless to kill. Sharks are stupid- predators to humans, yet I am the most powerful being on this Earth presently. They should fear me.

8) Favorite food (if you don't have one, make one up)?

Food? Is that truly a ground-breaking question? Mmm, very well. I'd say... cheesecake. I'd tried it once, when I originally escaped from the facility... it was, in all honesty, delicious.

9) Pick one magical power to have.

 I already have all that is necessary to murder. Yet, I definitely would certainly benefit from some sort of telekenetic ability to move objects without my hands. Yes, that would most likely be much more convenient.

10) Naturally, would you pick, Truth or Dare?

Dare- no human intimidates me.


For the author--

1) Username?


2) What would you do if you met your main character in reality?

First of all, I'd be terrified. I'd tell him that I'm unlike most characters, and in a desperate effort to keep him from brutally murdering me (as I am indeed human), I'd inform him that the only reason Petra exists is because I created her. I can only hope he'd be grateful.

3) Which character in all your books, would you choose to meet in reality?

 I'd love to meet Axis, although I'd be terrified. He is most original and dynamic character, and I'd love to the inner workings of his mind- regardless that I've created them or not.

4) If you had to base your book off of ONE book, what book would it be? 

I'd love to base a book off of Maximum Ride. I love the idea of them being genetically mutated and having wings. But if I didn't have to base it off a book, instead a manga, I'd choose Elfen Lied.

5) Favorite book series? Or book?

Maximum Ride, Across the Universe, Farenheight 451

6) Favorite Author?

Stephen King- no questions asked. (::

7) Favorite character in YOUR story?

Axis- no questions asked.

8) If you had to describe your story in 2 words, what would it be?

Horrifying, and violent... just the way I like 'em.

9) Do you write your characters based off of people you know (like their personalities)?

Not normally, no. I grab personalities from other stories, animes, and movies I've seen, and meld them to match my own characters. For example: Axis-- Lucy, from Elfen Lied.

10) Harry Potter or Twilight ( I know, common question, I'm just curious-- if you haven't read any of them then skip this question )?

Harry Potter all day long. (::

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