infected06mushroom with Avamariela

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Little Mermaid Sucks by infected06mushroom; Main Character- Avamariela

From Main Character POV--

1) What's your name? Full name if you have one.

Avamariela, but ‘he’ calls me Ava

2) What story do you appear in?

The awesome book called: Little Mermaid Sucks

3) Who do you currently (as of this moment) love? Why?

I love my dolphin friends, but the sharks are some of my best friends.

4)Who do you currently (as of this moment) hate? Why?

I hate Dominic, Why? His breath STINKS!

5) Who would you consider your 'idol' or 'role model'?

Coralee, not someone I'm close to, but she’s done something extraordinary things for the SeaWorld.

6) If you had to pick 2 words to describe yourself, what would it be?

Mermaid... Fish

7) If you were given a choice between jumping into a sea of man-eating sharks or jumping into a pit of fire, what would you pick?

Hahaha (laughs hysterically) I already swim with the sharks but I’d love to experience the wrath of fire.. Oh and don’t hate on sharks, they are pretty nice, when their daggers aren’t showing.

8) Favorite food (if you don't have one, make one up)?

Coral salia, Hmm yummy

9) Pick one magical power to have.

I already have magical powers and let me tell you, they are awesome!!!

10) Naturally, would you pick, Truth or Dare?



For the author--



2) What would you do if you met your main character in reality?

I’d probably kill myself for ever thinking mermaids existed, never mind being near one

3) Which character in all your books, would you choose to meet in reality?

Dominic’s mother, even though she scares me to death Tracy Beaker, lol Shoot me, I know

4) If you had to base your book off of ONE book, what book would it be? 

--No answer--

5) Favorite book series? Or book?

 --No answer--

6) Favorite Author?

Jaqueline Wilson

7) Favorite character in YOUR story?

I'm not gonna mention names, I love them all.

8) If you had to describe your story in 2 words, what would it be?

Worth reading (lol I hope) 

9) Do you write your characters based off of people you know (like their personalities)?

Nay! Writing is a way to get away from life so I tend to not write about people as it will remind me of them 

10) Harry Potter or Twilight ( I know, common question, I'm just curious-- if you haven't read any of them then skip this question )?

I read the first page of harry potter, I've read 3 books of twilight... I dislike them both haha...

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