"It's ok, Jack. I'm only teasing," he tells me and then winks. My heart rate began to pick up again. I hear Alex give a light chuckle. He went to the fridge and grabbed some milk but it wasn't the only thing inside, a few scattered packets of blood, lay in the fridge. Alex notices and gives an awkward smile. "It's an easy source of food if you have hunters after you, but not a permanent solution," he answers sorrowfully. I nod and watch him pour the milk in. "Also thank you,"

"For what?" I asked him, confused.

"For leaving the key, I needed it. Thank you," he answers. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away.

"It's cool, I' m just happy to help," I quickly responded, looking everywhere but, Alex.

That's when I saw it, a beautiful electric guitar on its stand, just begging to be played.

"Do you want to have a go?" Alex asks, noticing me eyeing off his guitar. I nodded and walked over to it, picking it up and sitting on the floor. Thinking of a song, I start strumming and Alex watching me as I do.

I started strumming playing any melody that jumped into my head. Alex moved closer to me and sitting down beside me, listening to me intently as I play his guitar.

Pete's story

Another quiet night and I'm looking through my paper work, how eventful. All of them are reports of the hunts that happen during the night, the vampires we slay, and the ones that escape, we keep a record of every hunt. Mind you, it's frustrating when half of these aren't filled out properly. You get ones lazily written on what happened, who was there, who died. Then you receive with too much detail and the ones that require enough but not go over the top.

Of course on piece of paperwork had to be about that vampire, Patrick. Manipulative, cunning, sadistic, charming, attractive . . . damn it.

This isn't fair, there is nothing kind about them and yet I find it cruel to kill one. That is why I no longer hunt them, I send my men out instead.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when I heard a knock at the door, I politely asked them to come in, and I was greeted with a knife thrown at me, knowing projectile I didn't bother moving, I knew it was thrown to the side of my head.

"Hello, Ronnie, what can I do for you," I greeted him, leaning back on my chair, with a smug smile appearing across my face.

"I was wondering if you can explain why, you let those two vampires leave peacefully, two nights ago?" he asked, venom lacing his voice.

"Simple, they had us surrounded and thinking the welfare of my men, I did what he asked of me," I answered simply. Ronnie glowered at me.

"You still see them as people, how cute," he commented.

"Is there anything else, you wish to add?" I challenged him. Ronnie just smiled and shook his head.

"I have nothing for now, my fearless leader," he mocked, leaving my office.  I knew he was going to be trouble for me one day, looks like he finally made his move.

It's no secret that Ronnie despises me, I know once given the chance he will take my position. Thankfully my men are on my side than his. I need a drink.

I removed myself from my chair, grabbing my coat and headed to the closest bar. I couldn't bear to stay in my office any longer. I needed to go out, maybe even see a few people . . . or vampires.

Right now I remember, it's too much trouble to go out, but why should I let that stop me! I take a deep breath and leaned my head on the door. Jack is right, I need to see more people, go out a few times maybe even meet a few guys.

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