Chapter 12

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After Louis eventually found an empty bottle to use, the game got started. 

"The bottle never lies Zayn! Now kiss me!" Zayn said, even though Louis deliberately tilted the bottle towards Himself. 

"Oh God, come on then lets get it over with..." Zayn groaned then leaned forward to Louis and kissed him quickly on the mouth. 

"Zayyynnn!" Louis pretended to faint after the kiss making us in fits pf laughter. Louis always made us laugh. 

"Okay, next go!" I said and spun the bottle. 

"Oooh Niall!" I said devilishly. 

"Truth or dare?!" Liam said. 

"Truth, i'm wimping out here!" he said pretending to cry. 

"Tell every single person in the group three things you love about everyone..." Louis said. Niall gave him a weird look because, lets face it, it was a weird dare. 

"Fine then... Erm Lou, well you are sooo funny you always make us laugh," Louis stood up and bowed causing us to wipe away an imaginary tear and applaud him. 

"Haha! See!" Niall said gesturing to him. He continued round the circle,paying compliments to everybody then it came to me last. The boys all nudged each other and then I realised why Louis chose this dare. He wanted to know the situation between us.  

"Where to start Jess? Three is too small of a number, but if I am restricted to just three then these are the things. Your hair, its mesmerizing watching it fall through my fingers, twirling it round and round, something so delicate in my big hands, it amazes me. Erm... The second thing would be your laugh, its captivating just the sound its so addictive. I could listen to your laugh for eternity I would never get bored of it. The last thing would be... the fact that I always seem to be telling myself to not fall so fast, but whenever I see you my heart takes over and I find myself falling at lightening fast speed..." he trailed off and everyone was silent. Even Louis sat there with a shocked expression. Sophie wiped a little tear off her cheek and I blinked hard to stop my eyes watering hard. 

"Go on then Nialler..." Harry mittered under his breath.  

"Go on? He's said his three things?" I questioned. Niall chuckled and took my hands in his. 

"Be my girlfriend, Jess?" he asked, not breaking eye contact at all. 

"Erm I-" I said clumsily. The words wouldn't form in my mouth everything clammed up. 

"Yes!" I finally managed to choke out. Everyone cheered and Niall took me in his arms, hugging me tightly. I breathed in his scent. Was I falling in love with someone I had only met three days ago?

AN bit cheesyy ik but its cute!!!! theyre dating yay! love NESS wooo :D

MY GUILTY PLEASURE - A NIALL HORAN FANFICTIONOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz