Chapter twenty one- Where is everyone?

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"Okay, I'm sorry. Wendy, if you want to go hang out with Romeo, go ahead."

"No, I'd rather stay here with you guys."

She smiled at me, ice cream still all over her face. I smiled back, and grabbed her hand.

"Wanna go back in the water?"

"Only if you promise not to drown this time!"

"Okay, okay, I promise."

We started running when Lucy yelled at us.

"Hey! You two just ate! Come sit back down, and let your food settle!"

"But Luce-"

"But mom-"

"But nothing!"

We walked back to the table, and sat down. Wendy and I both pouted until Luce gave us the okay to go.

"I bet I can beat you to the water twister!"

"Oh yea? Bring it on!"

We started running and Luce yelled one last thing.

"Be careful! You're food is still settling!"

"We know!"

Wendy and I both yelled together, and laughed. When we reached the ride, with one last look at each other, and jumped into our seats.

"Okay everyone, the ride will be starting soon. Please make sure you're buckled in, and the handles are locked! Have fun!"

The speaker was shut off, and the ride started moving.

"I'm scared."

Here. Hold my hand."

I took my hand off the handle, and held it out for her to grab. She slowly placed her hand in mine, and the ride started moving faster.



She giggled, and the water turned on. We started spinning, going upside down, and being tossed around. We were sprayed by water, and even had some dumped on us. The ride started slowing down, and we came to a stop.

"Hope everyone had fun. Please step through the gate to take your exit."

Wendy ran out, and I followed. When we looked over, Lucy was standing there, smiling at us.

"Did you two have fun?"

"Yea! Water was everywhere, and I loved going upside down!"

"I had fun too! Na- Dad let me hold his hand when I was scared."

"That's great."

Lucy flashed me a smile, then took Wendy's hand.

"Where next?"

"That ride over there! I want to ride it with you, mom!"

Wendy dragged Luce over to the Slide, and they climbed the stairs to the top. I watched as they waited their turn. They walked to the start of the slide, Wendy sat on Lucy's lap,  and they kicked off. As they went down, I ran to the end of the slide and met them there. They made a large splash as they hit the water, and it all landed on me. We all laughed, and started walking to the table. After taking a small break, we rode more rides until it was an hour to midnight. 

    "Everyone please wrap up for the night, the park will be closing for the night. Thank you."

   "Well looks like we should go back to our rooms."

Finally With You Again (Nalu)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang