『Lunch - Azumane Asahi』

Start from the beginning

You and (friend's name) were waiting at a bench outside the stated destination, waiting for the others to arrive.


You perked up at the sound of someone calling your name, and saw three boys walking towards you and your friend. One of them was a blackette with short, croppy hair, talking to a silver-haired fellow with a mole under his left eye. In between them was a tall, brunette with his hair tied in a bun. He seemed a little nervous, so you assumed he was Azumane.

(Friend's name) nudged you in the arm chuckling. "Hey, hey, look who finally showed up."

You both stood up to go meet the boys. You extended your hand out to the three who had just arrived introducing yourself formally. "Hello, my name is (L/N) (F/N)! Nice to meet you all!"

"'Sup, I'm (friend's name)."

"Hey there, I'm Sawamura Daichi." Said the blackette, nodding his head to you grinning.

"I'm Sugawara Koushi, nice to meet you too, (L/N)-san!" Greeted the silver-haired one, smiling warmly at you.

"Hi, I'm Azumane Asahi, nice to meet you for real," The brunette said, shaking your hand. "Wow, you look even nicer in real life..." He whispered, blushing immediately realizing that he had just said his thoughts aloud.

You blushed at his compliment, while your friend whistled besides you.

"They really do look nicer in real life, don't they, Asahi?" Sawamura teased.

"Sh-Shut up, I didn't mean to say that!" Azumane yelled at his friends who were smirking at him, embarrassed by his comment. "Heh, let's go inside, shall we?"

You and your party filed inside the restaurant, and were seated instantly. Upon sitting down, you were all served water, and you peeked in the menu to see what you wanted.

"So, Azumane-kun, how did you find out about little ol' (Y/N) here?" (Friend's name) asked suddenly, causing you to choke on the water that you were in the middle of drinking.

"E-Er, well..." Azumane started to explain, but was cut off by Sawamura.

"We helped him, of course," He interrupted, motioning to Suga. "We signed him up for the dating website so he could find someone, and we found (L/N)-san!"

"Whoa, what a coincidence! I got (Y/N) to sign up too with the help of our other friends!" (Friend's name) said, laughing at how similar your situations were.

"Man, Asahi here was so happy talking about them too," Suga interjected. "You should hear him talking about them. 'Oh, (L/N)-san is such a nice person! I want to meet them in real life sometime!' It was so cute, I'm so happy for him!" He put a hand on Azumane's shoulder, making the rest of you laugh, while he blushed at the other boys' comments.

"And then we got him to actually ask them out today! What an achievement!" Sawamura added.

"Oh sweet, that was you guys? Dude, nice," (Friend's name) high-fived Sawamura and Sugawara, grinning. (Friend's name) looked to you. "See, the three of us are trying for this. Don't tell me you guys don't like each other."

"We're just friends." You said, crossing your arms and looking away to avoid their intent gazes.

"Y-Yeah, just friends," Azumane agreed. "Plus, we didn't really know each other until today."

"Yep, exactly, haha..."

-time skip-

Overall, the lunch outing went great. You and Azumane got closer, and Sawamura and Sugawara seemed to get along really well with (friend's name) due to the bond of trying to get you and Azumane to officially start dating. You were sitting at your desk using your laptop in your dorm, (friend's name) lying on their side on your bed.

"You talking to Azumane-kun again, (Y/N)?" They asked you, noticing how you were smiling as you typed into your laptop.

"Huh? Oh, y-yeah." You answered.

"When are you guys going to see each other again?"

"Well, we actually planned to meet up again in a few days for another lunch outing, but just the two of us this time."

(Friend's name) grinned. "Nice, have fun on your date."

This time, you didn't bother trying to correct your friend. You had a good feeling about this guy. You smiled, still facing your laptop. "Yeah, I will."


For Claire-chan, thanks for requesting! Woo, pumping out some updates a few at a time now because I feel like I've kept you all waiting for too long.


- Bokuto x Reader

- Kuroo x Reader (ANGST qwq)

- Sugawara x Reader

- Bokuto x Reader x Kuroo

- Kuroo x Reader (FLUFF)

- Yachi x fem!Reader

So many Kuroo requests lmaoo but not that I'm complaining or anything because Kuroo is trash cat bae ahahaa

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