Chapter 0 | The Prologue

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niall is what you like to call, a crossdresser. he wears skirts, dresses, girly boots, makeup, everything. except bras, niall doesn't need those. but yes, Niall is a crossdresser, a very girly and brave one. he's one sassy girl that you don't want to mess around with, pretty much. to take nialls' heart, you'll need to be kind, loyal, sweet and not dramatic like some of the boys at his school.

they laugh at him for wearing such things, while the girls are really sweet to him, every single girl. they respect his choices and want to learn how niall does his eyelashes, because his wings are absolutely stunning.

some of the boys don't care about niall, but they don't bully him, which is good. there's this one boy though, his name is Liam Payne.

you can see him staring at niall from afar at times. the way his hungry eyes trail nialls' pale body, his clean legs glowing in the sunshine as he walks around with his caring friend, harry. who liam is crazy jealous for because he wants to be next to niall, but liam has a reputation to uphold.

he's the captain of the rugby team, go figure, and almost every single guy on the team, are homophobes. liam is Bi and he's proud of that, but he leans more towards guys, specifically, niall. he keeps his sexuality a secret, just like his friend, Louis. louis is full on gay and he has this huge crush on Harry, nialls' friend, in which liam finds adorable.

louis and liam both are in need of love, but liam wants more than love. he wants control, he wants his little princess begging for his daddy to please him, wanting to fill him up. nialls' got a lot coming to him but this should be easy since-

nialls' got a small crush on the rugby captain.


does this sound interesting? I don't know.

but this is a girly!niall book and I'm going to love writing this! girly!niall just makes me so happy and ugh, makes me giggle, oddly. but he's just so cute.

I hope you enjoy this book, I love you all! <3

the first chapter should be up soon!

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