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its been one week of sam and i being together and things are.. okay? hes just so protective. we are out to dinner and hes been acting so weird, always on his phone.

 "sam, im tired of staring at you looking down at your phone."

 i say with a sigh at the end. "yeah, yeah, sorry whats up?" he asks, still paying minimal attention.

"nothing, i just miss you, looking at you."

he sighs and drinks his water, "nothings wrong so why the fuck cant i spend some time on my phone." he picks his phone up and continues typing.

"fine, sam, fine, go on your phone. im so fucking sorry for bothering you. call me when you decide if im more important than an electronic." i get up and call and uber which arrives in about 10 minutes. i tell the driver the first person who pops into my head, nate.

i stand at nate, jack, and jack's doorstep. sam used to live her but felt he was "too cool" so decided to buy a house on his own.

 i begin to tear up, what if im not good enough for sam anymore, what if hes cheating on me, should i have listened when everyone said he was trouble? breaking my thoughts, the door swings open.

"charlotte? come in." sympathy and sadness takes over nates voice.

 i walk in and am hit with the smell of weed. oh, how good a blunt would feel right now.  "nate, be a doll and roll me a blunt, ill tell you whats up while we smoke." he nods and gets to work, nate always knows whats up.

i inhale and breathe out. fuck, this is so nice. "so tell me everything." nate says making me laugh over how girly he sounds.

"well, sam and i were out to eat and he just could not fucking take his eyes off of his phone. i contronted him and he got mad so i left. him and i just fight all the fucking time its endless. maybe he just doesn't want me or im not good enough, i don't know. it feels like this is all too much. "

"char," nate gets up and sits right next to me, "youre good enough and he loves you, hes so head over heals for you. hes crazy for you, trust me." he gets closer and puts his hand on my thigh, "but you know i wouldn't treat you like this."

he comes closer and closer and i don't move back. our lips collide and its like sparks fly. we begin to kiss more rough and passionately. i bring my hands to his hair and pull on it. he goes down to my neck and begins sucking. slowly, he brings himself back to my lips and suddenly parts from me. "im sorry, char, i cant do this. youre dating my best friend."

"yeah, nate, im sorry. i know, ill just go home. love you." he brings me into a long hug and kisses my neck "love you too."

trøuble. (s.w.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu